

Are you gay if you like girls but you think guys are hot?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It could mean you're bisexual.

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Q: Are you gay if you like girls but you think guys are hot?
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If you like guys and girls are you gay?

No. A person who enjoys sex with both guys and girls is bisexual.

Does gay for girls mean that you like guys?

No it doesn't.

If you like guy and girls are you gay?

Not necessarily. If you like guys and girls, you're bisexual.

Do ALL guys like girls chests?

No, some guys may not be "excited" by a girls chest, for example: gay guys.

Why do some guys not like gay people?

I think its because they want to be a macho meat head, surrounded by others like him. A gay guy in a straight guys' mind is the sterotypical gay. You know the girly, fairy, and hitting on every guy they see. Also, they might be jealous of the fact that gay guys get surrounded by more girls.

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Because guys think it's hot and Girls are more accepting. But MOST girls accept girls and guys for being gay/lesbian/pansexual/bi/ect... Guys are just dicks c; GAYPRIDE♥♥

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Most of the time it is because they are GAY .

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He likes guys because hes gay!

Do gay guys hate girls?

Just because you don't love someone, doesn't mean that you hate them. Gay guys like girls as regular friends just as much as straight guys, if not more so. They just don't like them sexually.

Why gay people don't have rights?

Gay people don't have rights because the government is stupid. And is controlled by homophobes. Gay people should have the same rights as everyone else. So what if guys like guys or girls like girls? It's not affecting you unless your gay. Gay people should have rights.

How come it's gay when two guys kiss but not when girls do it?

It's not that it's gay. Girls are a lot more comfortable with their sexuality then guys are. Two boys can kiss and not be gay just like girls can, but because guys can't do that without being insluted or having their sexuality questioned it is labeled gay. When girls kiss, it's labeled hott. Just all how society works.

How do you say gay in spanish when guys like guys and girls like girls?

¿Cómo se dice gay en español, cuando gente como los chicos y chicas les gustan las chicas?