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Seeing that I am answering this question in 2016, I suppose the answer is yes.

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Q: Are you going to suvive when the meteor hits earth in 2012?
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Will there be a meteor shower in 2012?

Yes. There are several meteor 'showers' every year.

Why do people want to live on the moon?

because its cool, yes cool... and when 2012 coming, u live on the moon, you can look how the earth going to die :)

How big will the meteor be that will hit Earth in 2039?

Right about .... NOW. And again ...... NOW. Meteors strike the Earth tens of thousands of times per day. Most are tiny, the size of a grain of sand, and burn up completely in the atmosphere. In fact, "meteor" is the word for the streak of light we see in the sky when a space rock (or grain of space sand) hits the atmosphere and burns up. A few times per day, larger things hit the Earth, and explode with spectacular - or rarely, catastrophic - results. On Saturday, July 30, 2010, a meteor exploded over Santa Fe, New Mexico with a fireball brighter than the full moon. See the related link below!

What did nasa say is going to happen in the year 2012?

NASA did not say *anything* is going to happen. It is just the Mayan's "Millennium", so to speak, and will wind up being a bigger wet firecracker than Y2K. on December 12 2012 the earth is going to have a polar shift which no one really knows what will happen after that NASA did not say this, which is what was asked. No one who knows anything about science thinks that 2012 will have a polar shift or anything else.

When is the next major meteorite going to hit Earth?

When is not known. However, about 500 meteorites hit the Earth every year, so just over one a day. This question is about meteorites, not asteroids and that is another question - literally [See related question]

Related questions

Are you going to die when the meteor hits earth in 2012?

I don't know - did you.

Is a meteor going to destroy earth in 2012?

Considering that it is 2016 and we are still here, it seems unlikely.

How do you suvive 2012?

The world's not gonna end in 2012. 110% sure.

How is the earth supposed to end in the year 2012?

People say that the world's going 2 be destroyed by a big meteor, earthquake, man blowing up himself in war, or a big tsunami wave. The movie 2012 says & has more ways that the Mayans said it was going 2 end in 2012. Don't be worried about that, it might not even be true. Hope this helps

Will there be another earth after 2012?

The earth doesnt end in 2012, no one knows when its going to end

Is the earth going to end 2012?


Will there be a meteor shower in 2012?

Yes. There are several meteor 'showers' every year.

How big is meteor that might end the world in 2012?

Don't be worrying! The meteor that your talking about will not go into 2012,but it will be in 2032.The meteor that killed the dinosaurs was 7 miles long.The meteor is called J002E3.So,don't worry!

Is there going to be a meteor attack in 2012?

There is a very very very small possibility of that happening... for the next ten thousand years at least...

Is a meteorite going to hit earth in 2012?

We are safe.

Asteroid going to fall on earth 2012?


Is the earth going to die out ever?

yeah in 2012