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You are responsible for your children until they are adults. And in Colorado that is not until they turn 18.

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Q: Are you legally responsible for 17 yr old pregnant daughter in Colorado?
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Are parents legally responsible for pregnant daughter under 18?

Yes, they are still responsible for their daughter. Once she reaches the age of 18 she is free to go where she wishes.

Are parents legally responsible for under age pregnant daughter?

In most states, you are responsible for your child until she reaches the age of majority, however, you are NOT responsible for her child.

If you let your daughter marry at 17 will you still be legally responsible for her?

When a minor marries they become emancipated, so you would no longer be responsible for her.

Are your parents legally responsible for you if you are under the age of 24?

It depends on the law in your state. In Maryland the age of majority is 18, in Colorado it is 19. Once you have reached the age of majority your parents are no longer legally responsible for you.

What age are you legally responsible for your daughter?

At least until she is 18 but it can be longer depending on the laws where you live.

Are you still responsible for your 18 year old daughter if she is still in high school?

Yes legally you are still responsible for your daughter as long as she is living in your home. Now if she no longer is living with you than you are responsible in ethical aspect as you are their parent.

Your 16 year old daughter just found out she's pregnant and got married in the last 2 weeks She wants to get her GED when baby's born If she doesn't go back to school who's legally responsible in Tenn?

If your daughter is married she is the only one responsible for herself. She and her husband are the only ones responsible for their child. You are the one responsible for not teaching your child about pregnancy and getting your child on birth control pills.

Are parents legally responsible for a 19 year old daughter?

no once you turn 18 you are a legal adult...and in Texas that occurs at 17 the parents are no longer responsible

Your daughter is 19 you live in Arizona you would like to know what age are you not responsible for their actions?

At the age of 18 a person is legally considered an adult and legally responsible for their actions, whether the actions be: illegal; signing a contract; getting married.

What are you legally responsible for if your 17 yr old daughter moves out?

Her welfare, including shelter, clothing, food and medical care.

Can you legally move out of your house at 17 in Colorado?

If you have parental permission. Until you are an adult, 18 in Colorada, your parents are responsible for you. That includes determining where you live.

Can my pregnant daughter legally leave AZ where the babie's father is and move to WA in order live with me?

She will have to take court permission first.