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Probably not. For centuries, religious people and theologians have tried to predict when the world would end, but it has not ended yet and The Bible warns us not to try to figure out such things. According to scripture, only God knows when the world will end. It is better for us to spend our time doing good and making the world a better place, and let God decide how long we all have to live.


The Bible reveals that the "last generation" of mankind; the last of the regeneration of mankind when mankind will no longer reproduce after his kind -- will be at the end of Christ's "thousand year rule."

At that time, the "Great White Throne" Judgment will commence [see Rev.20:11-]... and all of the generations of man who have ever lived and died will give an accounting of themselves and their life's works to their Creator, Jesus Christ [John 1:3].

Man's reproductive process will have ceased, then, as the vast majority of God's Children will be born into the immortal Family of God... and all evil and death destroyed:

"...death and the grave were thrown into the Lake of Fire. This is the Second Death - the Lake of Fire. And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the Lake of Fire." (verses 14-15)

The only "people" left after Judgment Day will be the immortal Children of God -- who will NOT REPRODUCE anymore:

"For when the dead rise, they won't be married. They will be like the angels of heaven." (Matt.22:30 NLT New Living Translation)

[KJV]: " the Resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels in heaven [sexless]."

But even the "last generation" at the end of the thousand year rule of Christ will not be "the end of the world"... but a NEW BEGINNING!

"Then I saw a new heaven and a NEW EARTH, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone." (Rev.21:1 NLT)

"...'Look, I AM MAKING ALL THINGS NEW!'..." (verse 5).

We are not the "last generation" of mankind. Christ has not yet returned... and when He does, the last generation of "reproducing mankind" won't be until a thousand years after that.

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