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Ammonia is poisonous; don't gargle with it.

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Q: Are you mean't to swallow or gargle ammonia and ipecacuanha mixture information?
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Can you feel pain in your throat when liquid ammonia is first swallowed?


What happens when you swallow Windex or glass cleaner?

You become very ill, as you are ingesting a poison - ammonia.

What type of magnet did the girl swallow?

There should be enough information in the question itself for anyone to try to answer it. The question needs more information.

Is any preparation needed for a modified barium swallow test or study?

No preparation is necessary for a Modified Barium Swallow test or study. For more information see the Related Question below.

What to do if you do swallow chew?

Im a expert in this, im 13 and have information in swallowing. If you do swallow chew, that is normal, i mean everybody chews food before they swallow. I really hope you have been chewing food, i mean you sound like a pyscho doo doo head for asking this.

How meany different types of swallow is there?

There are 8 varieties of Swallow. They are the Barn Swallow, Cave Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Bank Swallow, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, the Violet-green Swallow, Tree Swallow, and the Purple Martin.

Where can one find a swallow design for a tattoo?

One can find a swallow design for a tattoo on various birdwatching forums online. A dedicated agent will be happy to help you find more information on their official website.

How does the airspeed of a laden swallow compare to that of an unladen swallow?

A unladen swallow is the opposite of a laden swallow.

Are there swallows in the US?

Yes. The Barn Swallow, Bank Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Tree Swallow and the Northern Rough-winged Swallow are amongst some of the breeds of swallow found in the USA.

Why do I have problems swallowing pills?

It could be for a few reasons. A. The bodies norm is to swallow only chewed food, not swallow it whole, so when you swallow without chewing it might cause a gag reflex. B. If your tense about swallowing pills, it might suddenly surface as you try to swallow, tensing your throat, and stopping you from letting the pill down. For more information look at related links.

Can you swallow jerky chew?

Of course. If it doesn't say " Do not swallow" then you can swallow it. Simple as that.

Should teens swallow?

swallow what?