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STDs are more likely than pregnancy.

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Q: Are you more likely to get pregnant or get an STD?
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Related questions

What happends if a two month pregnant girl gets hit in the stomache?

They get STD's and DIE. most likely get a miscarriage. and you cant get an std that way

Does leukorrhea mean you're pregnant?

No. It is a discharge, more likely to be an STD. It certainly does nor indicate pregnancy. Should you be experiencing such you should seek medical attention.

Can you get pregnant and get an STD at the same time?

You can get a STD and pregnant at the same time.

Are you more likely to get a bladder or urinary tract infection if you are pregnant?

I don't think it's more likely, but it's just as possible pregnant or not pregnant.

Who is likely to get Multiple Sclerosis?

Usually women but more likely when pregnant

What day of your period can you get pregnant?

You can get pregnant at any time but you are more likely to get pregnant 14 days after your period

Are you more likely to get pregnant right after your period is over?

No. You can get pregnant before, during and after your period.

If i took pills for pid can i still get pregnant?

More than likely you still can get pregnant.

How likely is it for a teen mom to get pregnant again?

It is as likely or even more likely for a teen mom to be pregnant. Nature marches on whether you have been preggers before, or not!

Is it true that if you dont think too much about getting pregnant when your trying for a baby that you are more likely to get pregnant?

No. You are more likely to get pregnant by having sex when you are ovulating. This usually is in the middle of your cycle, about 2 weeks after your period.

Is it likely that you are pregnant if your three weeks late and you have a light brown discharge for two days then light pink on and off and have had a negative test?

You may have a STD. Go to the doctor

Can a girl get pregnant if she eat the sperm?

No, you can not become pregnant but can catch an STD. So best to be cautious.