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i was late for my period according to last months period by 6 days. well i was suppose to start around the sixth but i ended up very lightly bleeding on the 13th. and it is the 15th and there is no change other then it is starting to turn brown. everyone says i am pregnant what you think?

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Q: Are you pregnant if you are spotting 3 days in a row but very lightly?
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If you have spotting a day before your period is due you have never had spotting before could you be pregnant?

Spotting before you get a heavier flow is very normal...If you are normally like clockwork and you only have spotting and do not get a regular flo within the next 3-4 days then it is very possible that you are pregnant and that the spotting is implantation bleeding.

Are you pregnant if you have brown spotting and your period is 12 days late?

You very well might be. The brown spotting is most likely to be implantation bleeding which is very common.

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Can you be pregnant if you have had flu like symptoms and are experiencing spotting ten days before your period is due?

It is very possible. The spotting could be a result of implantation bleeding which can occur as soon as 7 days after conception. Good luck!

You were 10 days late on period and spotted very lightly for only 3 days could you be pregnant?

You could be. I would recommend taking a home pregnancy test.

Is it possible for a woman to be pregnant when she sees her period 3 days late?

If your period arrived 3 days late then you are not pregnant. In very, very rare cases some women see some blood spotting throughout a pregnancy which they mistake for a period and do not know they are pregnant but if your period just arrived a few days later than normal then it would seem that you are not pregnant.

Had about 5 days of light medium spotting about 3 days before expected period could you be pregnant ive been ttc for months already can anyone answer did anyone experience this and was actually preg?

yes I did in my last pregnany and I thought it was a very, very light period but infact I was pregnant. I had spotting all throughout that pregnany too - so if you are pregnant do not be alarmed if you have more spotting - before this happened to me i had never heard of it before but apparently it is quite common. However now I am trying to get pregnant again and I spot 3-5 days before my period really starts which is frustrating as I dont know if I am just spotting like last time or it is actually a period.

Can you have spotting and cramping if you're not pregnant?

Yes. You can have spotting in between cycles or at the start of a very light period. Take a home pregnancy test if you'd like to confirm whether or not you are pregnant

After 10days of periods due the second line is appear in pregnancy test but it is lightis you m pregnant?

i think you are asking "if after ten days the second line appeared very lightly on a pregnancy test then am i pregnant"? then yes that means you are pregnant. congratulations.

Is it possible to not be pregnant even though I am 6 days late and have cramping as if I had my period and very mild spotting please help I don't want to pregnant?

its possible u are and possible your not because, your 6 days late but take a pregnancy that's the only way to find out ....

Are you pregnant if your having spotting during your period and then miss your next period?

Spotting is very common during the course of pregnancy and the combined symptoms of spotting then a missed period certainly could indicate pregnancy. However it is very common for women who are not pregnant to have a missed period or spotting. I suggest a pregnancy test which are readily available at almost any store and to consult your doctor.

I'm 9 days late for my period Could I be pregnant?

I would take a pregnancy test, as spotting is very common in early pregnancy- especially at the time when you would have gotten your period. I've been spotting for five days since I should have gotten my period and I tested positive three days ago.