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You could be. I would recommend taking a home pregnancy test and/or visiting your Dr.

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Q: Are you pregnant if you have brown diacharge missed a period?
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You missed a period but your stomach isn't sore and my nipples aren't brown can you be pregnant?

get a test kit at your drug store............

You have backache brown discharge have missed your period headache and bloated stomach?

You could possibly be pregnant , in the early stages.

Brown semen after intercorse. Ive missed my period and thought it was my period starting but still no sign 24 hours after intercourse. Am I pregnant?

no it takes at least 4 days for body to show if pregnant or not

Trying to get pregnant period isn't due for 7 days for 2 days i have had light brown spotting is it normal could it be implantation spotting when should i test the bleeding is now gone?

You could be pregnant. I had brown spotting 10 days before my period was suppose to start. 5 days later I took a First Response (5 days before your missed period) and it came back positive. If you take it that early and it comes out negative, it could be a false negative. It is still best to wait 5 to 10 days after a missed period. Good luck!

Is brown discharge a week before your period means that you are pregnant?


You are one day pass your missed period and you have brown discharge what to do?

Wait. The brown discharge is "left over" lining from your previous period. That is why it is brown (think about how dried blood looks). The fact that the old lining is being expelled most likely means you will start your period soon, probably noted by the arrival of red (fresh) lining. Of course, if you are concerned that you are pregnant you could go ahead and take a test.

3 days normal period 4th day STOP 5th and 6th day brown spotting are you pregnant?

No your not pregnant. You can only be pregnant if you miss your period completely.

Can you get pregnant if you had red and brown coming out from your period?

Yes, it is normal for a period to have different shades of blood. The brown is blood dried blood and the red is new.

You had brown spotting and very heavy period last month would you be pregnant?

The fact that you had a period suggests that you're not pregnant, however this isn't always the case. the brown spotting could simply be the blood drying.

Does brown period blood mean your pregnant?

iDont think it means your pregnant , like you said its your period , but ithink you should take a pregnancy test still if you think so because alot of women mistake spotings for periods while they are pregnant . But from what someone told me off an website is that brown period blood is just blood tht has lost oxygen . iGet brown period blood myself before & my last day of my period.

Sex while im having your brown menstruation and now your period is delay for 2 weeks am i pregnant?

You can get pregnant during your period so take a test.

Pink and brown discharge before your late period started could you be pregnant?
