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Yes, If the accident was your fault, then it is your fault. Whether or not they have insurance has nothing to do with who's at fault, or who actually caused the accident.

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Q: Are you still at fault if the other person does not have insurance?
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What happens if you have no insurance and the other driver is at fault in South Carolina and the driver at fault does have insurance?

You will be cited for driving without insurance and the other driver being at fault, him and his insurance are still liable for damages.

If you have no insurance on your car but it was the other drives fault would there insurance still pay for it?


How can you get money after a car wreck without insurance?

Who is it that doesn't have insurance (your, or the 'other' person)? If you don't have insurance and are at fault there is no way you can receive any money for the car. If ther other person involved is missing insurance then you will still be covered if you pay for collision or uninsured motorist.

If you are drunk but have an accident and the other party was at fault will insurance pay for your car damages?

NO your insurance will not pay because you were drinking and driving which is ILLEGAL. You were at fault. It doesnt matter if you were stopped and the other person hit you you were still driving under the influence. YOU SHOULD GO TO JAIL.

If a person has already claimed damages from the at fault drivers insurance company can that person still go ahead and sue the person at fault?

No, the insurance company when settling the claim will have you sign a waiver of damages for their insured before giving you a check.

If you are not at fault and the police report and witnesses prove this do you still pay your deductible?

You do not have to pay the deductible if the other person's insurance is paying the claim. If you put the claim through your insurance, and do not have uninsured, underinsured motorist protection then you will have to pay the deductible regardless of who's at fault.

What can you do if you got hit and it wasn't your fault but the other person didn't have insurance?

You can take the other person to court and hopefully get a judgment against them. But even this is no guarantee you'll ever get anything from them. If you have collision, comprehensive, and medical, you should be able to collect from your insurance company and let them sue the at-fault party. Normally, you are required to have uninsured motorist coverage, check your policy. Then talk to an attorney. It involves suing your own insurance company but is still a not at fault accident.

What happens If your car got hit and other person took fault does it still go on your driving record?

It shouldn't because it was their fault. Also the other company would have to pay for all the damage and only their insurance would go up.

Rear ended in California with a lapse in auto insurance is the person that hit you still responsible for medical injuries?

I am not familiar with California laws but... In 99% of cases, the person who rear-end's you is at fault. If the other person is at fault, they are liable for damages and medical injuries. The fact that you are not insured does not make the at fault driver not responsible for damages and injuries that he or she causes.

What happens if you have auto insurance but no drivers licnese and you get into an accident that is not your fault will the person at fault insurance still take care of the damages to your car?

You get a ticket and your insurance goes up. You can not drive without a license and if you cost the insurance company money they raise your premiums especially if you get a ticket

What happens if you get into a motorcycle accident and you dont have insurance and its your fault in Florida?

You are responsible for the damage you cause in an accident, regardless if you are insured or not. Having insurance transfers your responsibility to pay for the damage from you to your insurance company. If there are injuries to the other party, then the other party's insurance should pay for their injuries, but you are still responsible for the property damage you have caused the other person.

What are the benefits of Florida no fault car Insurance?

Florida's no fault car insurance pertains to medical payments. The insurance states that the insurance company will pay for your bodily injury claims regardless of who was at fault for the accident. Damage done to property (i.e. the car) would still be covered by the at fault party. The Florida no fault car insurance is a benefit because one does not have to worry about not having their medical needs covered because the accident was the fault of the other party and they do not have sufficient insurance.