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Yes, the same way you are still considered straight if you do not marry.

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Q: Are you still considered gay if you do not marry?
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Are you considered a wife if married to a gay man?

If two men marry each other, each is considered the other's husband.

Is sliimy gay?

he is sadly. which means we cant marry him. but we still love him anyways :DDD

Can a gay man marry a straight woman?

Yes, it has happened throughout history, and still happens today. The gay man is either hiding, or pressured by society to marry. These marriages can be happy, but they are nearly always unfulfilling.

Are Manchester city still gay friendly 2009?

Manchester, UK is considered as a gay friendly city.

Will you still get social security disability if i marry?

If you still meet the financial limit and are considered disabled

Does naruto will turn into a gay in the end of series?

No I dont think naruto will turn imto a gay and besides the shippuden episodes are still continuing. I think he will marry hinata!!!! Though there is a posibility that he is a gay!!!

How many gay people marry straight people?

Gay People typically do not marry Straight People.

Can you be gay and Marry your dad?

No. it doesn't matter if you are gay or straight, you cannot marry a parent anywhere in the world.

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Why do some gay people not want to marry?

Many gay people fight for their right to marry. Those whom do not wish to marry, simply are not seeking marriage, as there are straight people who do not wish to marry.

Was queen a nickname for gay in England?

Yes, still is, but not considered to be politically correct now.

If you adopt your son's girlfriend can he still marry her?

No, because in the eyes of the law they are considered brother and sister.