

Are you suppose to shave

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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There is no correct answer to whether or not one is SUPPOSED to shave. It all comes down to personal choice.

If you want to shave you legs only, do that. If you want to shave your genitals, go for it. If you DON'T want to shave ANYWHERE, well, show me where it's written that you HAVE to.

It's a personal choice, and no one can make it for you. There are pros and cons to either choice.

For example (as this seems to be the most commonly skirted issue), females shaving the genitals.

The older generations may be more wary about it, claiming that hair is there for a reason. It is. It is a protection from bacteria. However, it can also trap bacteria and moisture, as well as dirt, and being on your period while you have tons of hair down there can be a messy thing.

I myself shave just because it makes me feel cleaner, and I hate the way it feels to wear a pad with hair adding to the heat in the summer, which causes ludicrous amounts of sweat to build up.

However, unless done carefully, shaving can cause razor burn (VERY painful), nicks (also painful) and general discomfort when the hair starts to grow back, as ingrown hairs may occur, and it itches like crazy (very embarrassing in public).

So, all said, do whatever you want, and don't let anyone tell you HAVE to do something one way or another. If it really is YOUR body, then it's purely YOUR decision, right?

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13y ago

That is up to your personal opinion, it is not a must and it was quite rare just 30 years ago. It's a fashion thing today.

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