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The area is 346.639 cm2

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Q: Area of a cirle with a circumference 66cm?
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How do you find the area of a cirle with the circumference?

Area = circumference squared... You do circumference divided by 4,... and then divide that by Pi.

The formula for circumference of a cirle is?

pi*radius squared

What is a area of a circle?

You must find the circumference. First measure a line through the cirle. Then that is the diameter then multiply the diameter by 3.14 then you have the area! Hope that helped!

What is the formula for the circumference of the cirle?

circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter

What is the circunference of a cirle with 12 diameter?

circumference = pi*diameter

How many acres in a .5 mile circumference cirle?

12.732 (rounded)

Which of these is a radius in a cirle?

The line from the centre of the circle to any point on its circumference

What is the circumference of a cirle with a diameter of 16?

16 pi = almost exactly 50¼

How does pi relate to the circumference and diameter of a cirle?

The cicumference of any circle divided by its diameter is aways equal to pi.

How do you find the radius of a circle with a circumference of 73.5?

use the circumference formula of a circle circumference of a circle=2*pi*r pi=22/7 r-radius of a cirle Now the answer for the problem is 11.69

What is the diameter of a cirle that the area is 28 square inches?

5.9723 inch

What is the area of a cirle with a radius of 5 in?

The area of a circle of radius r is pi*r*r