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Q: Areas where the study of biology is useful to enhance international cooperation?
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How is biology useful to man?

biology is useful in every one

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Which Branches of biology do you think is the most useful ti mankind?

the most useful branch in biology is bacteriology, because bacteriology is the study about bacteria an that everyday we encounter . . . .jdizon :)

What conveys meaning that is useful to one or more people?

Communication conveys information that is useful to people by sharing ideas, thoughts, and feelings. It enables individuals to understand each other, solve problems, make decisions, and build relationships. Effective communication can enhance cooperation, collaboration, and mutual understanding among individuals.

Why people disliike biology?

I have never understood why. It is wonderful and useful.

Useful of biology?

it's the study of plants and animales

Where can one find synthetic biology?

Synthetic biology combines biology and engineering. One example is inserting a gene from one animal into the DNA of a different animal. This is useful for gene therapy applications.

Why it is useful to have more than one possible path through a network for each pair of stations?

it is useful to have more than one possible path through a network for each pair of stations because to enhance reliability ,accuracy and secuirity , for this there is possible to enhance the speed.

Is it useful to take maths with science in science stream?

It is particularly useful if you are to study physics, however biology does not need advanced maths often.

What degrees should you have to become a cancer research scientist?

Biology. Chemistry also can be useful

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Is ATP biologically useful energy?

It is an energy carrying molecule.It is the universal currency of energy in biology