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(The number in parenthesis are the apples) and the parenthesis is the baskets (5) (5) (5) (5) (1/2?) (10..1/2?) (11) Can't you cut an apple into halves?

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Q: Arrange 42 apples in 7 buckets that each bucket having the apples shouldn't divisible by 2?
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What is the arrange of 42 apples in 7 buckets that each bucket having no of APPLES shouldn't divisible by 2?


How many 5 gallon buckets of apples in a bushel?


How could you arrange 12 apples so you have 5 rows with 4 in each?

You can't arrange 12 apples into 5 rows with four in each. To do that you would need 20 apples because 5 rows of 4 = 20 or 5x4=20. You can arrange 12 apples into 3 groups of 4 because 3x4=12

Who discovered and ate the first apple?

a guy called Artemis fowl who liked apples and wanted to arrange special meetings with apples

Can you arrange 10 apples in 5 rows with 4 apples in them?

impossible simply try drawing it. does it work

If you have 2 10pound buckets one filled with water and one filled with apples which weighs the most?

they would weigh the same

How do you arrange 10 apples in 5 rows with 4 apples in each row?

The key is for the different apples to participate in more than one row each. This can be done when putting them in the shape of a 5-pointed star.

Which weighs more bucket of apples or bucket of water?

The answer to this question depends on the density of the two given substances. For the same volume a more dense substance will have more mass and will weigh more. Here, if we take buckets of same volume in both cases then the water bucket will be heavier as water is more dense than apples. Also water occupies the entire volume of the bucket while apples cant use up the entire volume of the bucket as they have fixed shape and spaces remain between them. If two buckets of different volumes are taken then easiest process would be to actually weigh the buckets to find the heavier one. Here, apples considered are the ones grown on apple plants and eaten. For any other substance cast in of shape of apples it's density has to be considered.

Sara picked 34 of a bucket of apples and Alissa's picket 12 of a bucket of apples. How many buckets total did they pick?

3/4 + 1/2 = 5/4 or a bucket and a quarter.

How to arrange 1000 apples in 10 boxes so that any number of apples can be picked in terms of boxes?

The boxes should have capacities which are all the powers of 2, from 20 to 29. 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512. By combining these boxes in different ways, any number of apples up to 1023 can be attained.

There is a ton of apples or there are a ton of apples?

Are there any apples?If you want to be grammatically correct, it would be arethere any apples? However, it could be is there any apple pie. You're making me hungry with all this talk about apples! :-)Apples is a plural noun so you should use a plural 'to be' verb. (are)Yes, if you were talking about pieces of apple on a plate you could ask "Is there any apple? (left).

Why is the game apples to apples about apples?

apples are not oranges