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hydroxide ions (HO-)

H+ ions

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 1w ago

Arrhenius defined an acid as a substance that produces hydrogen ions (H+) in water.

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

H+ ions

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Q: Arrhenius defined an acid as a substance that produces in water?
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What is a true Arrhenius?

An Arrhenius acid is a substance dissociated in water and forming hydrogen ions H+.

What is a true Arrhenius acid?

it produces hydrogen ion

Which if the following is an example of an Arrhenius base?

An Arrhenius base produces OH- ions.

Which substance is always a product when an Arrhenius acid in an aqueous solution reacts with an Arrhenius base in an aqueous solution?

Water (H2O) is always produced when an Arrhenius acid reacts with an Arrhenius base in an aqueous solution. This reaction forms a salt and water as the products.

What did the chemist Arrhenius say mixing aqueous acids and bases produces?

salt and water

What is an acid according to Arrhenius?

When an Arrhenius acid is added to water it increases the number of H+ ions present. a substance that ionizes to yield protons in aqueous solution ~IHATEe2020~

If bases are solutions what do they contain?

A base is defined as a substance which, when dissolved in water, produces OH- also known as the hydroxide ion.

Define a base according to arrhenius theory?

According to Arrhenius theory, a base is a substance that produces hydroxide ions (OH-) in aqueous solution. Bases are characterized by their ability to accept protons (H+) and release hydroxide ions in a chemical reaction. Examples of bases in aqueous solutions include sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH).

What is formed from the neutralization of an Arrhenius acid with an Arrhenius base?

Arrhenius water.

What is Arrhenius definition of an acid?

According to Arrhenius, an acid is a substance that dissociates in water to produce hydrogen ions (H+).

What is the substance that produces hydroxyl ions when dissolved in water is a?

If a substance produces hydroxyl ions (OH-) when dissolved in water, it is referred to as a BASE.

How did each scientist define an acid and a base?

Arrhenius defined an acid as a substance that dissociates to produce H+ ions in water, while a base produces OH- ions. BrΓΈnsted-Lowry defined an acid as a proton (H+) donor and a base as a proton acceptor. Lewis defined an acid as an electron pair acceptor and a base as an electron pair donor.