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Radial artery (lateral or thumb side of lower arm).

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Q: Artery generally used to take the pulse at the wrist?
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What is the name of the artery in your wrist where you check your pulse?

The radial artery is the one that is used to take a pulse at the wrist.

Artery in the wrist to take plus?

The radial artery is usually used to take the pulse - it sits just below the flesh of the thumb at the wrist.

What is radial pulse?

The radial pulse is located in the wrist at the end of the radial artery. It is the most common place for healthcare professionals to take a patient's pulse.

Discuss the significance artery and vein difference when taking a pulse?

You cannot generally take a pulse from a vein.

Where is the radial pressure point?

The point of the radial pulse is located on the patient's 'thumb' side of their wrist. You locate the patient's radial artery (pulse pont) in the patient's wrist using your middle two or three fingers. You count the number of pulses that occur in eiher 30 seconds or 1 minute. NEVER use your thumb to take a pulse. You would then be feeling your OWN pulse.

What is the proper way to take pulse?

A little bit of training and practice is required but to take a pulse you can use one or two fingers on the wrist or on the neck to feel the heart beat. Generally you take a pulse for 15 seconds and multiply the number by 4 to determine the number of heart bets someone has in 1 minute. When reporting pulse during first aid you may also want to indicate if the pule was strong/weak, or erratic.

Where is your radial pulse located?

Your radial pulse is located on your wrist, just below your palm. It is the pulsing of your radial artery. Your radial pulse is useful for monitoring your heart rate, as it is the pulse that is easiest to feel your heart palpitations from.

What are the 5 best sites to take a pulse in order of easiest to palpate?

neck(carotid artery), wrist rt hand, wrist left hand, femora rtleg femoral lt leg

What is the recommended places to take a pulse?

A persons pulse can be taken at a number of different places on the body but it is typically taken at the wrist or neck. On the wrist it is taken at the Radial Artery. Using the left arm as an example, with your left palm facing up, use the fingers of the right hand to apply gentle pressure between the left most bone on the left arm and the tendons in the middle of the forearm, about 2-3 inches below the wrist line. At the neck the pulse can be felt at the Carotid Artery 2-3 inches either side of the Larynx. Again, apply gentle pressure to feel the pulse.

What is the pulse in the neck called?

anywhere there is a strong arterial pulse is where you find the pulse. carotid artery in neck (inside the vertical neck muscle) brachial pulse in babies in the upper arm between the muscles on the inside. wrist pulse (in the crook tween the middle tendons on the inside and the thumb side of the wrist)... femoral = inside mid thigh

Where would you take somebody's radial pulse?


Where can you feel the pulse?

The first step in learning how to take your cat's pulse, is to feel the inside of her/his hind leg where it meets the femoral artery. This can be done while your cat is in a standing position. Now you will need to press your fingers on the artery until you can feel the pulse. Within a fifteen-second period, count the number of pulsations you feel. You will now need to multiply that amount by four to get the pulse count per minute. For an adult cat, the normal rate is 160 to 180 beats per minute. The normal rate for a kitten's pulse is much higher, usually about 200 beats per minute.