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Q: As a virus replicates it changes its characteristics?
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Does Polymorphic Change itself from a virus to a worm?

A polymorphic virus not only replicates itself by creating multiple files of itself, but it also changes it's digital signature every time it replicates.

Where does a virus replicate its DNA?

A virus replicates its DNA in a cell when it infects the host

Which virus characteristic enables a virus to change specific aspects of itself when it replicates?


A program that replicates by attaching itself to other programs?


What is the term of small and dependent program that replicates itself in a system?


What type of virus changes it's characteristics every time it is transferred to a new system?


Cell in which a virus multiplies it self?

A virus replicates inside a host cell. For example 'Bacteriophase'

What is a virus that replicates without killing the host cell called?

A very simple answer is lysogenic virus. it could still kill the cell eventually if it becomes lytic.

What organism replicates by taking over the genetic material of a host cell?

A virus.

Why is a host cell unable to make its own proteins if the invading virus replicates?

The reason why a host cell is unable to make it`s protein while the invading virus replicates is because viruses typically not considered living organisms

What techniques does a polymorphic virus employ to make itself more difficult to detect?

It frequently changes its code characteristics.

What does virus on a computer mean?

A harmful program that replicates itself to other computers form yours.