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finding a way to keep the wires insulated

Mrs. mclaughlin

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Q: As computer chips have been manufactured smaller and smaller in size there has been an increase in the loss of energy as electricity leaks out of the tightly-packed wires in the chips What is the?
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The wattage rating tells you how much electricity its consuming, most electrical appliances give this information.

Why people create the first computer?

There was a desire to do mathematical equations. When a person used a slide rule and abacus to do calculations this was considered a computer. It was improved over time by using machinery and electricity to increase the calculating speeds.

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cue to increase of electricity and water

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To reduce competition from foreign grain producers. Northern America industrialists increase the demand for American. This is for manufactured goods.


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We can use more electricity.

How do devices that are powered electricity works?

The devices increase resistance.

How do you increase the apple computer screen?

This question is not possible to answer. What do you mean by increase? Which computer are you talking about? Improve the question and we will give you an answer!

Why did industrialist favor protective tariffs?

It would increase the demand for American manufactured goods. Tariffs would also increase the money generated by the sale of those goods.

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...Remain the same or decrease, but not increase.

Does constantly running a ceiling fan increase electricity bill?

Of course!

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