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Q: As described in the lesson what statements pertain to realism (?
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Lesson aims describe the overall goal of the lesson, providing a broad sense of what students will learn or achieve. Lesson objectives are specific, measurable statements outlining the knowledge, skills, or behaviors students are expected to demonstrate by the end of the lesson.

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Could this question possibly by any chance have been lifted from a homework assignment ???Here's a helpful hint: The question refers to " ... described in the lesson." That suggests that in order to answer it, the student is expected to look back at the lesson for help. That also means that nobody can help with the answer if they can't see the lesson.

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What statement was made by Roman statesman cicero?

Cicero made many statements and we have many quotes from him. Give us a choice as to what statements you are referring to, or better yet, read your lesson and you'll get the answer yourself.

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Something important about his or her own personality

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What was the average score for the knowledge statements on your survey?

hey, you know i had the same question and if you go back and read the lesson if your doing flvs than the best thing is to is read lesson 1.3 for yourself, id dose a better job at explaining it than i can. good luck! :)

How many of your inches equal one of foot using the nonstandard inch and foot described in this lesson?

You took this question form a text book that i think was homework ... but that not matter ... but you for got to say what the lesson was ...

Which statement is true about the prim minister in a parliamentary government?

Since you didn't include the statements, we can't pick the right one.

What statement is true about the Virginia Plan is true?

You need to answer this question because we don’t do essays and your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson. We also don’t have the statements.

About how many of your inches equal to one foot using the nonstandard inch and foot described in this lesson?

because of matter because of matter the matter was because because of it matter