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Q: As pressure in the aorta rises due to atherosclerosis more ventricular pressure is required to open the aortic valve.?
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When pressure in the aorta rises due to atherosclerosis does more ventricular pressure open the aortic valve?


What is the major determinant of the left ventricular preload?

aortic diastolic pressure

What does to EKG look like with aortic stenosis?

the ekg of aortic stenosis showsleft ventricular hypertrophyleft ventricular strain due to pressure overload such as depressed st segments and t wave inversion in leads 1 ,avl ,v5 and v6left atrial enlargement

What happens Soon after the onset of ventricular systole?

The aortic pressure increases and the AV valves close.

Which chamber contracts to pump the blood at the highest pressure?

The Chamber that creates the highest pressure is the Left Ventricle. It must do this to get the blood all the way around the body, including right up to the top of the heat, but more importantly it must overcome the huge pressure in the Aorta. This is because of the Aortic Valve which sits stops the blood being pushy back formthe aorta into the ventrivle. The high blood pressure in the aorta holds this valve shut tight. A pressure greater than the one holding any vavle shut is required to open it, ie the ventricular presure must be greater than the aortic pressure is required to force the aortic valve open.

During which phase of the cardiac cycle do the ventricles of the heart contract?

There are many phases of the cardiac cycle- in total five stages occur. phase 1) - Isovolumetric ventricular contraction In response to ventricular depolarization, tension in the ventricles increases. The rise in pressure within the ventricles leads closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves. The pulmonic and aortic valves stay closes during the entire phase. 2) ventricular ejection: When ventricular pressure exceeds aortic and pulmonary arterial pressure 80MMHG- the aortic and pulmonic valves open and the ventricles eject 70% of the blood. 3) Isovolumetric relaxation: when ventricular pressure falls below pressure in the aorta and pulmonary artery, the aortic and pulmonic valves close. All valves are closed during this phase. Atrial diastole occurs as blood fills the atria.4) ventricular filling: atrial pressure exceeds ventricular pressure which causes the mitral and tricuspid valves to open. Blood then flows passively into the ventricles. About 70% of ventricular filling takes place during this phase. 5) atrial systole: known as the atrial kick, atrial systole coinciding with late ventricular diastole supplies the ventricles with the remaining blood for each heart beat. Diastole: This occurs in-between heartbeats to allow blood to refill the heartSystole: when the atria and ventricles contact For more information e-mail me: I also have a VERY helpfull link belowHow_heart_works

What does the lub-dub sound represent?

The first heart sound or "lub" results from closure of the tricuspid and mitral valves. It is a rather low-pitched and a relatively long sound which, as indicated in, represents the beginning of ventricular systole. The second heart sound, or "dub," marks the beginning of ventricular diastole. It is produced by closure of the aortic and pulmonary (pulmonic) semilunar vanes when the intraventricular pressure begins to fall

When does most of coronary artery perfusion occur?

ventricular diastole after the aortic valve has closed.

What veins connect to the aorta?

The heart pumps blood from the left ventricle through the aortic semilunar valve into the Aorta.

What happens to A V valves during ventricular contraction?

As the ventricles of the heart contract the pressure in the ventricles rises beyond that of the atria. This pressure differential causes the AV valves to shut.

Where are the baroreceptors situated within the body?

Arterial = aortic and carotid sinuses. There are also atrial, ventricular and pulmonary baroreceptors

What are most abdominal aortic aneurysms caused by?

Most abdominal aortic aneurysms are caused by atherosclerosis, a condition caused when fat (mostly cholesterol) carried in the blood builds up in the inner wall of the aorta.