

As slope increases stream velocity will?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: As slope increases stream velocity will?
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What physical property does the slope of a velocity time graph represent?


What does the slope of the curve on a velocity time graph represent?

The rate of Change in acceleration.

What is the relationship between slope of a tangent line and velocity?

The slope of any line is rise/run, or change in y divided by change in x. On a distance-time curve, time is the variable on the x axis, and distance is the variable on the y axis. This means that when a tangent is drawn at any point on the curve, its slope becomes change in distance divided by change in time, for example, m/s, km/h, etc. These units align with the units for velocity, and therefore the slope of the tangent line on a distance-time curve is the velocity.

What is instantaneous slope?

The instantaneous slope of a curve is the slope of that curve at a single point. In calculus, this is called the derivative. It also might be called the line tangent to the curve at a point. If you imagine an arbitrary curve (just any curve) with two points on it (point P and point Q), the slope between P and Q is the slope of the line connecting those two points. This is called a secant line. If you keep P where it is and slide Q closer and closer to P along the curve, the secant line will change slope as it gets smaller and smaller. When Q gets extremely close to P (so that there is an infinitesimal space between P and Q), then the slope of the secant line approximates the slope at P. When we take the limit of that tiny distance as it approaches zero (meaning we make the space disappear) we get the slope of the curve at P. This is the instantaneous slope or the derivative of the curve at P. Mathematically, we say that the slope at P = limh→0 [f(x+h) - f(x)]÷h = df/dx, where h is the distance between P and Q, f(x) is the position of P, f(x+h) is the position of Q, and df/dx is the derivative of the curve with respect to x. The formula above is a specific case where the derivative is in terms of x and we're dealing with two dimensions. In physics, the instantaneous slope (derivative) of a position function is velocity, the derivative of velocity is acceleration, and the derivative of acceleration is jerk.

Y equals 3x plus 5 slope?

The slope equals 3

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When a stream's discharge increases, erosive energy increases.

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as slope increases erosion rate increases (direct relationship)

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After a stream's discharge increases, it overflows its banks and a flood occurs.

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measure out ten feet of water, drop a rubber ducky, or some other floating object in the water. and then time it with a stopwatch ti see how long it takes to reach there. Then divide your data by ten to get the data in feet covered per second.

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changing the slope of the inclined plane changes the values for velocity because of the unbalanced external force exerted on the object increases the velocity.

How did changing the slope of the incline change your velocity and acceleration values?

changing the slope of the inclined plane changes the values for velocity because of the unbalanced external force exerted on the object increases the velocity.

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A negative slope on a velocity-time graph indicates a decreasing velocity over time, which means the object is slowing down. As time increases, the velocity decreases.

Why one stream could be flowing faster than the other stream?

The velocity of the water in a stream increases when the stream gets narrower or shallower (or both).

A small slope on a velocity vs. time graph indicates a small acceleration true or false?

It depends on whether it is a positive slope or a negative slope. If the velocity increases as time goes on, yes the particle is accelerating. If the velocity decreases as time goes on, it is decelerating.

How does an increase in a streams velocity affect its discharge and carrying capacity?

When the discharge of a stream increases, so does it's velocity. When it decreases, so does the velocity.