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Q: As the amount of precipitation on land increases the level of the ground water will probably?
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Related questions

What are the Units of precipitation?

the amount of precipitation on the ground...inches of of snow...

What happens when precipitation infiltrates the ground?

When precipitation infiltrates the ground there is a possibility of flooding.

Precipitation that sinks into the ground is called?

Precipitation that sinks into the ground is called Groundwater.

What is precipitation which does not reach the ground called?

Precipitation that does not reach the ground is called 'virga'. If it does reach the ground, it's called 'praecipitatio'.

Which type of precipitation typically cause the most damage when it hits the ground?

Hail can cause a large amount of damage if it very large.

Which type of precipitation typically causes the most damage when it hit the ground?

Hail can cause a large amount of damage if it very large.

Precipitation that soaks into the ground trickles downward due to?

precipitation is the water that soaks downward due to the ground trickles

What is the precipitation that does not go into the ground?


What is water stored in the aquifer called?

Precipitation seeping through cracks and holes in the ground.

What is a fall of snow?

Precipitation of snow on the ground.

What processes transfers water to ground?


What is water called when it falls to the ground?
