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Increase. Isobars represent lines of constant atmospheric pressure, and when wind velocity decreases, the pressure gradient weakens. A weaker pressure gradient results in isobars being spaced further apart on a weather map.

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Q: As wind velocity decreases the distance between isobars on a weather map will?
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What is the similarities between isobars and isotherms?

what is the similaraties between isobars and isotherms ]

Wind velocity may be roughly indicated by?

spacing of isobars on a weather map

Is it true or false that an anticyclone the value of the isobars increases from the center to the outside?

False. Pressure decreases from the center to the outside.

Where on a weather map wind speeds are related to?

On a weather map, the lines of equal pressure (isobars) also illustrate the pressure gradient or change of pressure per distance. The higher the pressure gradient, the higher the winds speed. Thus, when the isobars are close together, the gradient is high, and winds are higher than where the isobars are further apart. Wind can also be affected by local considerations, hills, valleys, and buildings can modify the gradient wind's direction and speed.

What is the purpose of isobars?

Isobars show different pressure areas on a weather map.

Where would you generally see isobars?

Yea, where would you generally see isobars??

How are isobars and isotherms alike?

Isobars are lines of equal pressure, isotherms are lines of equal temperature. And isobars are pretty and gorgeous, and isotherms are thermometers.

How do you use a geostrophic-wind scale?

A geostrophic wind scale is a graphical device printed in synoptic weather charts available on weather fax or on the internet, like the ones compiled by Bracknell and other weather services. It enables estimation of the geostrophic wind velocity by measuring the distance between the isobars (lines of constant pressure) in the weather chart and plotting this against the geographic latitude in the wind scale. step 1: determine the geographic latitude of the position you want to estimate the geostrophic wind speed for. step 2: measure the distance between the pressure lines (isobars) shown on either side of that position. step 3: choose the correct latitude line in the geostrophic wind scale or interpolate in the scale, using the result of step 1. step 4: plot the distance measured in step 2 on that line. step 5: read the estimated wind speed from the scale, using the curved lines. NOTE that the geostrophic wind is only a theoretical wind flowing parallel to the isobars in the chart. The true wind always is reduced by friction against the earth or sea surface and will be deflected towards the centre of the low pressure system which is circled by the isobars you used.

What is the difference between an isobar map and an isothern map?

isobars are lines of equal pressure , isotherms are line of equal temperature that's the difference this is by jenisea phoenix lol smile face

What do isobars and isotherms show on a weather map?

Isobars are lines of areas with similar air pressure, with the areas in between the lines gradually leading up to the next line. Isotherms are lines of areas with similar temperature.

WHAT DO Isobars represent?

Isobars on a map represent areas on the map of similar atmospheric pressure.

Examples of isobars in chemistry?

Isobars 7N14, 6C14 2He3, 1H3 92U239, 93Np239