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Q: Assume that the moon travel at constant speed in a circular orbit around the earth is the moon's velocity is constant?
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Is the satellite accelerating?

Yes, the satellite is accelerating because it is revolving around our earth and in a circular motion so its velocity changes every second so it is accelerating.A2. No, the satellite is not accelerating. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity. But, its velocity is constant. The centrifugal effect is exactly balanced by the pull of gravity (assuming a circular orbit).But a nice question. The net acceleration between these forces is zero.

Assume that the moon travel at constant speed in a circular orbit around the earth is the moon's velocity is constant.explain your answer.?

Speed is a scalar measure. That means that it is represented by a single number. Velocity is a vector measure. That means that it is represented by a pair of numbers (speed and direction).Even though the Moon has approximately constant speed in its revolution around Earth, its velocity is constantly changing due to the pull of Earth's gravity.Do a thought experiment: imagine a stone tied to a length of string. Imagine pulling the string in such a way that the stone travels around you in a circle. This shows that an orbit is established by a pulling force (a centripetal force). If the string broke, the stone would continue moving in the same direction it was already traveling, but its path would become approximately a straight line because there is no longer a centripetal force pulling it into a circular orbit.

Is orbital velocity the velocity a rocket must reach to fly off into space?

No.Orbital Velocity is the velocity required by a body to achieve a circular orbit around its primary.Escape velocity is the minimum velocity needed to escape a gravitational field

The velocity a rocket must reach to establish an orbit around earth is called?

Orbital velocity, or Close orbital velocity.

Why do planets rotate around the sun in the same direction?

They don't rotate in the same direction. But most of the rotation comes about from the conservation of angular momentum. Angular momentum is given by L=m*w*r2 where m is the mass, w is the angular velocity in radians per second, and r is the radius of the circular motion. Due to conservation of angular momentum, if the radius of the orbit decreases, then its angular velocity must increase (as the mass is constant). Hope I answered your question... You can find more on this website(I copied and pasted the info above):

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How circular velocity is constant in circular motion?

Velocity constantly changes as so does the direction around a circle...

An object traveling at a constant rate in a circular path is changing its?

velocity continuously because velocity has both magnitude and direction. In a circular path, the direction of the object's velocity is constantly changing as it moves around the circle, even though its speed (magnitude of velocity) may remain constant.

Explain why velocity changes while driving around a circular track even if the speed is constant?

While the speed may be constant, the velocity changes because velocity is a vector quantity that includes direction. As the car drives around the circular track, its direction constantly changes, causing the velocity to change even though the speed remains the same. This change in velocity is due to the centripetal acceleration required to keep the car moving in a circular path.

What remain constant in uniform circular motion?

In uniform circular motion, the speed of the object remains constant as it moves around the circle. However, the velocity of the object changes because the direction of the velocity vector is constantly changing. The centripetal acceleration remains constant in magnitude and always points towards the center of the circle.

Why is a person running around a circular track at a constant speed accelerating?

Even though the person is moving at a constant speed, they are changing direction constantly as they go around the track. Since acceleration is defined as any change in velocity, and velocity includes both speed and direction, the person running on a circular track is experiencing acceleration.

Can you go around a curve with constant velocity?

No, it is not possible to go around a curve with constant velocity as velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. As you move around a curve, the direction of motion changes, which means the velocity is also changing even if the speed remains constant.

Going around a ferris wheel without stopping is an example of what type of circular motion?

Ferris wheel goes around in uniform circular motion. The wheel traverses in a circular path at a constant speed and distance of the body from the axis of rotation is fixed as constant at all times. While the speed is constant, its velocity is not constant but changing. It is an example of centripetal force constant in magnitude acting towards the axis of rotation.

Which physical quantity changes continuously during uniform circular motion?

The direction of velocity changes continuously during uniform circular motion. The magnitude of velocity remains constant, but its direction is constantly changing as the object moves around the circle.

What is uniform in uniform circular motion?

In uniform circular motion, "uniform" refers to a constant speed of the object moving in a circular path. It means the object is moving around the circle at a consistent rate without speeding up or slowing down. uniform circular motion does not mean that the object is at rest or that the path is a perfect circle.

Is the velocity constant if a car is going around a curve?

No, the velocity of a car is not constant when it is going around a curve. The direction of the car's velocity is changing as it navigates the curve, even if its speed remains the same, so the velocity is not constant.

What is an example of constant speed with changing velocity?

An example of constant speed with changing velocity is a car moving in a circular path. The speed of the car remains constant, but the velocity changes because the direction of the car is constantly changing as it moves around the curve.

When you run around a track at 5 km h your velocity is constant?

Yes, if you run around a track at a constant speed of 5 km/h, your velocity is constant because velocity includes both speed and direction. As long as you maintain this speed and direction, your velocity remains constant.