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The wedding canopy, or chuppah, represents the home of the new bride and groom. Having the sides open symbolizes an open invitation to guests into their home, as Abraham and Sarah did with their tents.

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Q: At a Jewish wedding the canopy over the couple symbolises what?
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Why wedding huppa?

The Huppah is a Jewish wedding canopy that symbolizes the privacy of the couple's new home.

What is a canobu in a Jewish wedding?

Don't you mean "canopy?" It's called a huppah. The Jewish wedding couple stands under it to symbolize their future home.

What are the wedding traditions for chuppah?

A Chuppah is basically a canopy for a Jewish couple to be married under. It usually would have a cloth, sheet, or a tallit streched on four poles or sometimes just held up by people. A Jewish couple would conduct their ceremony under this canopy which sympolizes the home they will build together.

Is the Jewish wedding in Hebrew only?

It depends on the wedding. If the couple wants a more traditional wedding, it will be mostly (if not entirely) in Hebrew.

What does Hebrew word nisu'in mean?

The Hebrew word "nisu'in" refers to the marriage ceremony or the act of getting married in Judaism. It is the second part of the Jewish wedding process, following the "kiddushin" or engagement period. Nisu'in involves the couple standing under a traditional wedding canopy called a "chuppah" and the recitation of marriage vows.

Can you have a Jewish Hawaiian wedding?

Yes. I once saw a picture of one, where the Jewish couple and even the rabbi wore leis with their outfits!

Why does a Jewish wedding take place under a Chuppah?

The Chuppah symbolizes the house that the couple will build their future in.

Why do the Jewish bride and groom have to fast on their wedding day?

It is a Jewish custom for the bride and groom to fast on their wedding day since it is called a day like Yom Kippur, the holy day of atonement where one's sins are forgiven and one can start a new life; one of improvement. The wedding itself is a rebirth of two single people into the new entity of marriage in which they must learn to live with each other in beginning their new life. The fast lasts only until after the chuppah (wedding canopy). After that, the couple joins in the celebratory feast with everyone else.

What can a Jewish couple do if there is no huppah can they find a substitute canopy?

Any canopy will do, but the easiest way to do this is to get 4 wooden poles and put hooks on the tops. Then put a tallit corner on each hook. You can even decorate the poles with flowers or strings of lights or even cloth.

Why did James Brolin and Barbra Streisand have a Jewish wedding when he isn't Jewish?

Since Barbara Streisand is Jewish, she wanted to follow with tradition and respect for Judaism.

What gift to give at Hindu wedding?

you can give any western gift or useful thing. Traditional gift was to give money inside a cover with blessings.

Can you have a Wedding reception weeks after the wedding?

Wedding receptions can be held after the wedding especially in the case of the couple either choosing to elope at the last minute or if the couple had a destination wedding that not all their guests could attend.