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Q: At divergent boundaries plates move apart causing what 2 things to happen?
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What happens divergent boundaries?

divergent boundaries happen when 2 plates move apart or divide

Where do divergent plate boundaries happen on earth?

Divergent plates are found in places where the tectonic plates are moving away from each other.

How are divergent plates different from convergent plates?

Divergent Boundaries happen when two plates (oceanic or contental) begin to diverge, or move apart. Convergent Boundaries occur when two plates (again, oceanic or contential) begin to converge or move apart

What do transform boundaries have in common with divergent boundaries?

Rhe tectonic plates are moving in both divergent and transform boundaries

What happened at divergent boundaries?

divergent boundaries happen when 2 plates move apart or divide

What is the edge of a tectonic plate?

Divergent boundaries - two plates Pull away from each other. Convergent boundaries - when two plates collide forming trenches or causing earthquakes. Tranform boundaries - two plates slide past each other

At what boundaries do plates move apart?

Divergent boundary.

How plates move at divergent boundaries?

Plates are moved at a divergent boundary by the magma pushing upwards.

How are the movement of plates are divergent boundaries and at transform boundaries similar?

They are not similar, divergent boundaries are where the move apart. transform boundaries are where the two plates rub together and move in opposite directions with great force.

How are the movement of plates at divergent boundaries and transform boundaries similar?

They are not similar, divergent boundaries are where the move apart. transform boundaries are where the two plates rub together and move in opposite directions with great force.

What is the difference between convergent and divergent and transform boundaries?

Divergent boundaries- Plates move apart from each other Convergent boundaries- Plates compress against each other Transform boundaries- Plates move past each other

What are plates called that are divergent plate boundaries?

Diverging tectonic plates.