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Q: At first many scientists rejected Wegener and the hypothesis of continental drift. What was their main objection to his hypothesis?
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When scientists rejected the continental drift were they using the scientific process?

No, because the scientists did not have a hypothesis

Why scientists rejected wegener's hypothesis of continental drift?

Scientist rejected Wegners hypothesis of continental drift at first because he did not have enogh evidence to support his theory. He failed to provide a suitable mechanism that could cause the continents to move.

What was the reason wegeners continental drift hypothesis was rejected?

His evidence was incorrect.

The continental drift hypothesis was rejected because Alfred wegener could not?

Because Alfred Wegener couldn't specify the mechanism responsible for the movement of the continents, the continental drift hypothesis was rejected. This theory is now accepted science.

Why was Wegener's hypothesis reject?

Alfred Wegener couldn't describe how the plate tectonics moved. So, scientists rejected his hypothesis.

What is it called when scientists state whether there data confirmed or rejected the hypothesis?


What it called when scientists state whether their data confirm or rejected the hypothesis?

Stating a conclusion.

Why is a hypothesis that is unsupported by observation rejected by scientists?

Simply put, because there is not enough evidence to support it. "Rejected by scientists" should not be taken to always mean "scientist believe it is impossible" - rather, consistent evidence that support the hypothesis has not been produced.

Why was the hypothesis of continental drift rejected when it was first proposed by Wegener?

He could not explain how or why the continents moved.

Why was the hypothesis of continental drift rejected when it was proposed by wegener?

Wegener couldn't explain how or why continents moved.

Why was the continental drift rejected by scientists?

yes becouse wenger is not geologist and he could not explain the how continental drift theory

Can a hypothesis that has been rejected be of any value to scientists?

Yes. But usually a hypothesis (if, then, because statement) is changed overtime to establish a conclusion on the investigation. The point of the collection of the data is to show whether or not the hypothesis was supported, and if not needs to be corrected/modified. Certain parts may still be helpful/kept but in most cases it is changed