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Q: At freezing point particles of fruit juice in the liquids become solid during this change of state can you predict how the attraction between the particles in the juice will change?
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How does freezing change state of matters?

By definition, freezing is the change of a liquid to a solid. You see, in a liquid, the forces of attraction and repulsion between particles (atoms or molecules) are equal. Because of this, liquids are fluids (they take the shape of their containers and flow without changes in density). In solids, however, the forces of attraction between particles are greater than the forces of repulsion. Because of this, solids retain a specific shape and density. Therefore, when a liquid freezes, its particles loose part of the energy which supports the forces of repulsion, and the forces of attraction become grater, thus becoming a solid.

What is the similarity between the particles of liquids and solids?

not easily compressible

What expands and how does that expansion indicates the temperature?

Solid,Liquids,Gases expand when heated. Heat makes the particle attraction low hence the space between the particles increase and the thing expand. The expansion is the increase in the moleculer space of substances.

Do liquids have electrically charged particles?

Yes, some liquids have electrically charged particles, such as salt water.

Where are the particles in the 3 states of matter?

In solids, particles are tightly packed together and have a fixed shape. in liquids, particles are loosely packed together and will form to the shape of their container. both solids and liquids have a fixed volume. But gases do not. Their particles have no forces of attraction so they will spread out to fill their container. this means they have an undefined volume. But atoms in each state are still made up of neutrons and protons inside the nucleus, with electrons orbiting around it.

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Why does diffusion happen in gases and liquids but not in solids?

the force of attraction between the particles gases is weak force of attraction between the particles in liquid is a bit strong force of attraction between the particles in solid is strongest this is the right answers,,,,,dont worry :)

Is the attraction in particles stronger in liquids then solids?

Forces of attraction have a stronger effect on the behavior of liquid particles.

How does freezing change state of matters?

By definition, freezing is the change of a liquid to a solid. You see, in a liquid, the forces of attraction and repulsion between particles (atoms or molecules) are equal. Because of this, liquids are fluids (they take the shape of their containers and flow without changes in density). In solids, however, the forces of attraction between particles are greater than the forces of repulsion. Because of this, solids retain a specific shape and density. Therefore, when a liquid freezes, its particles loose part of the energy which supports the forces of repulsion, and the forces of attraction become grater, thus becoming a solid.

Why can't liquids be heaped like solids?

because the force of attraction between the molecules of solid is quite high. because in solids the particles are compressed together. there isn't much space between these particles. however in liquids the space between particles is more and hence it can move more freely.:)

Why liquids diffuse much faster than solid?

The intermolecular force of attraction between the particles of solid is greater than liquid and due to this minimum space is found between the particles of solid. That's why liquids diffuse much faster than solids.

If particles in liquid a has a stronger attraction than particles in liquid b if both liquids are at the same tempureture which liquid has a higher viscosity?

Liquid A because the attraction between the particles in Liquid A are stronger than the particles in Liquid B . Answered By : BCP or CP (Nick Name From School)

What can happen when the energy of a liquids particles decrease?

Either and both liquifaction &/or freezing.

Which type of substance is most likely to experience an attraction between its particles?

All substances experience attraction between their particles. These vary in type and strength. If there were no forces they would never form liquids or solids. You could say that the strongest bonds are in the substances with the highest melting points.

What has to be overcome for a solid to change to a liquid and a liquid to a gas?

The energy between particles. The particles must be heated so that there is no forces of attraction, therefore the solids particles can loosen into liquid particles and the liquids particles can loosen into gas, the heat energy is used to make the particles move faster

Why diffusion of liquids is faster than solids?

In the liquid state, particles move freely,the particles are not closely packed they can slip and slide on each other and have greater space between them as, compared to solids.ORThe intermolecular space is more in liquids than in solids and so, it can difusse faster.That is why rate of difussion in liquids is higher than that of solids.

What is the similarity between the particles of liquids and solids?

not easily compressible

Why can liquids easily take the shape of container but not solids?

Liquids flow into all the nooks and crannies of a container because the particles are free to move around. The particles in a solid are fixed in place relative to one another and are held there by strong forces of attraction.