

At how much speed does a light travel per second?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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It is about 186,000 miles per second

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Q: At how much speed does a light travel per second?
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How does light travel witch is faster light or sound?

Light is much faster then the speed of sound. Sound travels at a speed of about 768 Miles per hour, when light travels at a speed of 186,282 miles per SECOND.

How fast travel light can travelwich is faster light or sound?

Light is usually much, much faster. The speed of light (in a vacuum) is about 300,000,000 meters/second. The speed of sound varies a lot, depending on the medium; but in dry air, at a temperature of 20°C, it is about 343 meters/second.

Speed of light travel?

Very nearly 300,000,000 meters per second, in vacuum. A bit slower, but not much, in air.

Why are electrons travel at greater than speed of light in television?

They don't. Nothing can exceed the speed of light. Electrons in a television travel much slower than the speed of light.

How much energy is needed to travel at the speed of light?

It is not possible for any object with any mass to travel at the speed of light. It is possible to travel at 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999% the speed of light, you could even travel at "99.9 followed by a trillion trillion 9s"% of the speed of light but never quite 100%.According to our current mathematical theories, for an object with any mass to travel at the speed of light it would take infinite energy to attain that speed.

Is it true that lions can run faster than the speed of light?

Nothing with mass can travel at the speed of light, and nothing with mass can travel faster than the speed of light. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. The faster an object travels, the heavier it gets. An object traveling near the speed of light would weigh countless tons and be too heavy to move. Neutrinos (sub atomic particles) which might travel faster than light have no mass and are not effected by the increase in weight with the increase in speed. Lions can only run about 20 mph, much slower than the speed of light. Cheetahs can only run about 25 mph. again, much slower than light speed.

What is lightings speed?

the speed of light is 300 thousand kilometres a second, or 300 million metres a second. which means it would go around the world 7.5 times in a single second. a light year is the distance that light travels in one year, which is 9.5 trillion kilometres. light is gamma rays, and gamma rays are electromagnetic waves that occur after either alpha or beta decay.

At what speed do electromagnetic waves travel through space?

It travels at the "speed of light". In vacuum, that's 299,792,458 meters per second. In any kind of material substance, it's less. How much less depends on the individual substance ... they're all different.

How far is 9000 light years?

900 billion years - if you travel near the speed of light. If you travel at any slower speed, it will take longer of course. But do some reading on time dilation - if the traveller travels at a speed very near the speed of light, from his point of view it will take much less time.900 billion years - if you travel near the speed of light. If you travel at any slower speed, it will take longer of course. But do some reading on time dilation - if the traveller travels at a speed very near the speed of light, from his point of view it will take much less time.900 billion years - if you travel near the speed of light. If you travel at any slower speed, it will take longer of course. But do some reading on time dilation - if the traveller travels at a speed very near the speed of light, from his point of view it will take much less time.900 billion years - if you travel near the speed of light. If you travel at any slower speed, it will take longer of course. But do some reading on time dilation - if the traveller travels at a speed very near the speed of light, from his point of view it will take much less time.

How much speed of light is in a vacuum?

The speed of light in a vacuum is 186,282.397 miles per second or 670,616,629.2 miles per hour.

why speed of light is faster than speed of sound?

Actually, the speed of light is variable. Using diamonds and/or crystals, light-speed has been doubled as well as slowed to 30 mph.That being said, the waves that make sound are longer that the waves that make light, so they travel through air more quickly. Not so with water...See the related link below for more information:

What is the typical speed of a wave in x-rays?

X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation just like visible light. They travel at the same speed (299,792 km/s in a vacuum) as visible light. The only difference is that x-rays have a much higher frequency (~10^18 Hz) and hence a much shorter wavelength (~1 nm) than visible light.