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The key here is the age of majority (adulthood) in your state or country. If they are an adult, the parents are no longer responsible. In Delaware that is the age of 18, but could be as high as 21. Check the majority age for your legal jurisdiction.

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Q: At what age can a parent legally throw out a teenager in Delaware?
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In the state of Texas a person becomes legally designated an adult at the age of 18. In most cases the parent(s) will no longer be legally or financially responsible for the child (an exception could be a child support order that stipulates a different age). If the parents so choose they may request their "adult" child to move from their residence.

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The age of majority in Pennsylvania is 18. Until then the child is your responsibility. You provide them food and shelter.

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According to most state laws it is unlawful for a parent to throw a child out prior to the age of 18. You should check to ensure that the laws in your area are effective.

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Can you legally throw out your teen at age seventeen in Texas?

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Parents are responsible for the care of their children until they reach the age of majority. The only way to legally have your child removed from your care is to petition in family court that they be made a ward of the state, or find another adult who is willing to take legal responsibility for them.

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