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At what age can a child make a choice to live with aunt new york

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Q: At what age can children make a choice on whom to live with?
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How old does a child have to be to make a choice as to whom they live with in OK?

Children do not have the right to make a choice as to whom they will live with in a custodial issue. That decision is left up to the court to decide after many factors are weighed. The court will take into account who you've spent most of your life with.

How do you get interm custody?

In order to get interim custody, you will need to petition the court. When children live with one parent, and the other has visitation, but there is no order in place, the parent whom the children live with has what is called defacto custody.

Can children choose to live with the father if unhappy with their mother's custody?

That depends on custody laws where you live. Providing your country/state of residence would be very helpful, but generally, children cannot decide with whom to live until they reach the legal age of majority wherever they reside.

You love an older popular boy that is really mean to you how do you get him to love you?

You will get further by not trying to make him do anything. That is because people have a choice in how they live and with whom. You are not on his list--for any or all reasons. Therefore, find your own friends who share your interests and who want to be with you. You can be your own woman without him.

Nowadays parents dont give freedom to there children why you want to write a debate?

As children do not understand how the world is today and is a dangerous place to live in you should be aware and should not talk to strangers whom are unfamiliar to you.

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Antony calls Ceaser the choice and master spirits of his age.

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He is married and has been happily married for the last twelve years. Him and his wife have four children and live in Monterrey, Mexico.

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a Italian women wiv whom he had 20 children with, which some became celebrated musicians, but others who didnt live into adulthood.

What did nat turner's rebellion lead to?

The slaughter of nearly 60 whites, many of whom were children

Do parents have the right to have a say in whom their children marry?

Yes, parents have the right to say in whom their children marry.Parents have the right to say whom their children marry because parents know what is best for their children.They have the past experience of marriage and they know who they should marry as they know their likes and dislikes and what their consequences may be.The children may be underage and the parents have the right to stop them and guide them, by teaching them the right things. The children might not know what is the real meaning of marriage and what marriage is for.No, parents do not have the right to have a say in whom their children marry.Children should make their own decisions.Forcing the children may cause them to have an unhappy marriage.The children must be independent and choose who they want to marry.Neutral.Parents may have already arranged an arranged marriage and the children might decline.Children may choose who they want to marry but the parents may decline.Both the children and the parents may choose who the children marry.

Is addiction a choice or disease?

Addiction is not a choice, whether or not its a disease is debatable. The person whom it afflicts has no choice of whether or not they get addicted, except whether they are using the substance that they could get addicted to.

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