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Unlike the onset of fertility, Most women will be in MENOPAUSE for several years and it does not come at a precise moment. MENOPAUSE IS A PROCESS THAT USUALLY TAKES A FEW YEARS.


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15y ago

One answer Night sweats are usually the most dramatic symptom and usually the first noticed. Irritability, mood swings, and less frequent periods usually follow. An additional answer The menopause usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55, although it can be earlier or later. The average age in Britain for the menopause to occur is 51 years old. There can sometimes be a family pattern so it may be worth asking your mother, sister or grandmother when it happened to them.

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15y ago

A woman reaches menopause when a year has passed since her last period. Menopause, like many of the changes in a woman's body through her lifetime, is caused by changes in hormone levels. Menopausal transition, called "perimenopause," is the time when a woman's body is close to menopause. Periods may become irregular. A woman may start to feel hot flashes and night sweats. Perimenopause usually begins about 2 to 4 years before the last menstrual period. It ends when menopause begins.

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11y ago

Unlike the other big landmarks in a womans life, Menopause is not an "event" it is a vague process. Your cylcle starts to get irregular, symptoms, like irritablilty, hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, joint pain, headaches, vaginal dryness, loss of libido and dozens more can start showing up.

Menopause can happen in your 30's 40's or 50's even beyond. But the average consensus age in the US is 51. But again that is the average and it is the measurable (blood tests can measure FSH, Estrogen and Testosterone) you may have symptoms for years before and after.

The only person that knows the exact day & date of their menopause, is a Hysterectomy patient! That surgery takes away the organs that produce & convert Testosterone & estrogen. So the onset is immediate and usually severe.

Many DRs start Estrogen therapy, because they stillwrongly believe that post menopausal women need more estrogen. The enlightened DRs are starting women on Testosterone & monitoring natural estrogen production, to get the best results.

TESTOSTERONE is Probably one of the most misunderstood naturally occurring FEMALE hormones in the body.
Testosterone is critical to the female body. The female body makes/ converts estrogen FROM the available Testosterone. If the female body doesn't have enough Testosterone to "convert" you will not have enough Estrogen or enough Testosterone & the body is out of balance & SYMPTOMS start.
Testosterone lubricates the joints, provides the sex drive & can help produce serotonin, which keeps anxiety & depression at bay & helps you feel better & sleep. Testosterone at the right levels help keep two "appetite & fat storage hormones" shut down. Cortisol & Ghrellin get turned on when the body is in danger from stress or low Testosterone levels.
All things in their right proportion, though. Too much can cause problems, but most women live with FAR too little most of their lives.
Natural blood levels from 50-100 would be ideal & (Hormone Replacement Therapy /HRT) Treatment levels during and after perimenopause of 250-400 provide great relief from Hot flashes, Arthritis, fatigue, insomnia, low libido, vaginal dryness & even migraine & memory loss.
In the POST CHILD BEARING YEARS, Testosterone therapy is much more effective than Estrogen therapy, Because Estrogen will not provide your body with the Testosterone it needs but Testosterone will create all the estrogen you need.
Injections and patches even pills can be a common ways to get Testosterone, but the Patches & creams are ineffective & irritate the skin and can be dangerous if they come in contact with children, pets or other people.
The Injection gives a severe SPIKE and then about 24-48 hours later a severe crash and will probably be SYNTHETIC hormones & that can be problematic too.
Most DRs are taught that ESTROGEN defines a woman & that the only remedy is more estrogen. The enlightened Dr is starting to understand that it is often best to give the body what it needs & let it make the estrogen. SYNTHETIC Estrogen has been linked to elevated levels of Cancer in women, BE CAREFUL!
Search these terms for more information: Hormone Replacement Therapy, Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy, Pellet Therapy, BHRT, HRT.

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11y ago

Women begin menopause between the ages of 45-55 with the average age being 51; however, it is not completely unusual for a woman to experience menopause much earlier. According to a London study, 1 in 20 women will experience early menopause (as early as before the age of 30)

The reasons for early menopause can vary:

  • premature menopause is also known as premature ovarian failure (POF) and it has been estimated to affect 1% of the population.
  • medically induced menopause happens when a certain medical treatment can damage a woman's ovaries or suppress her estrogen levels. After treatment is over menopause is reversed and the ovaries continue producing eggs.
  • surgically induced menopause occurs when a woman undergoes total hysterectomy and her estrogen levels then drop dramatically.

For more information see the related link.

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9y ago

Menopause typically occurs between the ages of 45 to 55 years of age. Premenopause can begin in the late 30s in some women.

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12y ago

its when your period permantly stops and depends on when it started. usually starts around age 50

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Is 62 to old to start menopause when already had full hysterectomy?

If you had a full Hysterectomy, you are already through Menopause, nothing left to do..

When is menopause considered official?

Menopause is considered official when a woman has not had a period for a year. Some women during the start of menopause can spot, skip a couple of months and have a light period or even a heavy period.

Does height increase after menopause?

No, if anything it will start to decrease if osteoporosis sets in.

When you go through menopause does your period just stops one month and never have another one?

Imagine menopause like menarche (first period) in reverse - menstruation can just stop then never start again during menopause, but in most cases women going through menopause will experience irregular periods and irregular bleeding between periods, just like pubecent girls do when they start menstruating.

What about pregnancy after menopause?

A woman stops producing eggs at menopause, so no. A woman stops producing eggs during pregnancy too, so if a woman is pregnant they are not in menopause.

What is the age for manopause?

Menopause is a rarely thing........ You can get menopause between the ages of 50 and upper. If you have gone threw menopause its ok ask your doctor! Menopause usually start early for some women especiallyat the age of 45 to 60 something.... There's always google to look it up if ya dnt believe me..??!!

Is it hard for a woman who is going through menopause to get pregnant?

it is impossible 99% of the time! Menopause means you cease to have periods so if you haven't had periods for 2 years or more then no, you can't get pregnant. BEWARE as you start into menopause because you can get the odd period at the beginning of your menopause. You may skip even up to a year and then have a period.

I got my period at age 16 so would I start menopause early?

Menopause happens around 45+, so I wouldn't think you'd get it early. My mom got her period at age 10 and is in her late 40's and is starting it now.

Can anyone get pregnant after 45 years old?

Yes but it's harder. There's always a risk of pregnancy until you have entered menopause fully and menopause usually start around 50.

Could my tender breasts be a symptom of early menopause?

It is possible t obe 38 and to start menopause. This though is highly unlikely. It would be suggested that you visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Am I too young to start menopause at thirty two years old?

No Menopause can happen at any age. Women in there teens can reach menapause. If you think you have signs of menapause go to your doctor.

Can you skip your period for a year and have it start up again during menopause?

no i dont thinck so