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I'd say a year. Cuz my toy poodle was in heat when my chihuahuahs were exactly one year and boy they went crazy. But one year is FINE

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Q: At what age should a chihuahua normally have puppy's?
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What age can a human handle puppys?

12 is a good age to get a dog because you will be matcherer by now.

What do you use on puppy's for fleas?

There are puppy shampoos, and most puppys can be frontlined at the age of 8 weeks.

What age is a male chihuahua is ready to breed?

Hi Can you tell me when a male chihuahua is ready to breed? I have a female and a male chihuahua and he is trying to hump her. Please answer as soon as possible. Thank you Freda

How can you tell how old your mixed chihuahua is?

you shuold take your chihuahua to the vet. that it there to find out what age it is. the vet well also tell you how he find out.

What age should stop breeding your chihuahua?

You retire a Female Yorkie from breeding at the age of 5.

Should girls at the age of ten be dating?

Normally yes but some people think no...Yes its fine to be dating at the age of 10

Do chihuahuas get sick at old age?

Yes. Chihuahuas can get sick at an old age. Just like a regular human, They can get sick. They can have a rare disease or cancer [ect] You can treat your chihuahua with medicine or pills but likely, the chihuahua will die.

At what age does a baby's head start to get hard?

Normally at age 1 is usually when the skull has closed at the top and that is when it should start feeling harder.

"what do you feed puppys"?

Puppies under 4-5 weeks of age need the mother's milk, or puppy formula found at pet supply stores. Over 4-5 weeks of age, they can eat puppy food.

How long does it take for a longhaired chihuahua to reach maturity?

About 3-5 years of age.

How old chihuahua be a mother?

A female has to be around the age of 1 to be fully developed to give birth.

What age do people normally have a baby?

In the age of 20's.