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Varies between apogee and perigee of 346 and 336 km with a decay of about 2 km a month.

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Q: At what altitude will the ISS revolve around the earth?
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What altitude does the ISS orbit the earth?

This is because of the Gravitational pull of the earth.

How far above the earth does the spacestation orbit?

The ISS orbits at an altitude of 400 km (250 miles) above Earth.

What is the ISS orbit?

the iss orbit is an orbit which goes around the earth giving satalight signals

The interantional space station orbits earth at an altitude of 240. What is the distance fro the space station to earths horizon to the nearest mile?

This is hard to go through without a drawing, but let's try it: Draw the earth as a circle, with a center. Indicate the ISS with a dot. Draw a line from the earth's center to the ISS. Draw a line from the ISS tangent to the earth's surface. Draw the radius from the earth's center to the ISS horizon (the tangent point). A corollary in geometry tells us that a radius is perpendicular to a tangent. This is very helpful ... we know we have a right triangle. Hypotenuse is the line from the center to the ISS; its length is (earth radius)+(ISS altitude) = 3,970+240 = 4,210 miles. One leg = earth radius = 3,970 miles Other leg = distance from ISS to the horizon = sqrt[ hypotenuse2 - leg2 ] = sqrt(42102-39702) = 1,401 miles (rounded)

What is the distance of the iss orbit around earth?

40,000 miles

What is the orbital altitude of the International Space Station?

The International Space Station (ISS) orbits at an altitude of 278 to 460 km (173 to 286 miles), and orbits the Earth about once every 92 minutes.

How far ISS from earth?

Depending on where the station is in its elliptical orbit around earth, it is between 190 and 192 nautical miles from earth.

Where is the ISS located at the moment?

The International Space Station does not stay or hover above a specific location above the Earth. In fact, the ISS orbits the Earth every 90 minutes or. You could find websites or even applications for your smart phone that can give you live up to date info on the ISS altitude and exact location, but I think I am not allowed to post a website or application name. Sorry!!!

How long does it take a astronaut to travel around the earth?

It depends on the given orbit, but most astronauts would be on near earth orbit vehicles like the International Space Station (ISS). This orbits the earth once every 91 minutes.

How long does it take to orbit around earth in space?

Orbital times vary as a function of the height of the orbiting vehicle or object. The higher its altitude, the longer it takes to make an orbit. The ISS and space shuttle are in low earth orbit and take approximately ninety minutes to complete one orbit.

How many km distance from earth to NASA space station?

The ISS is maintained at an orbital altitude between 330 km (205 mi) and 435 km (270 mi).

What propells the iss?

Nothing really. It is in orbit around Earth, so it doesn't need anything to propel it.