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Q: At what temperature does MRSA thrive the best?
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What do bacteria need to thrive?

PH, temperature, food, moisture, and more PH, temperature, food, moisture, and more

Why is temperature a factor that influences the natural vegetation in a place?

Temperature is a major influence in the natural vegetation in an ecosystem. Plants that are natural to the environment need the specific temperatures in the environment to thrive. For example, tropical plants require the high temperature of the environment they grow in to thrive.

Can a cat get mrsa of a lady who has mrsa?

Answer is YES. MRSA is transmitted by physical contact with persons who are infected or carry MRSA germ. It would be best to get not in touch with lady who has MRSA. Sharing towels, locker rooms or other can also result with getting of this potentially very serious infection.

Why is MRSA rsistant to antibiotics?

Overtime, MRSA has evolved and developed the ability to destroy certain antibiotics antibacterial activity before they kill the MRSA. However, there are still antibiotics that can still be effective against MRSA, these antibiotics include:ClindamycinDaptomycinDoxycyclineLinezolid (Zyvox)MinocyclineTetracyclineTrimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Bactrim DS, Septra, Septra DS)Vancomycin (Vancocin, Vancoled)

What is the most effective treatment for MRSA?

The best treatment for MRSA would be to bring her to the hospital. It is a disease that can easy spread so anti-biotics would be needed from a doctor.

How much does a LG Thrive cost?

You can buy an LG Thrive from best buy or Amazon for $130 or from AT&T for $180.

Why do you need an incubator to hatch eggs?

It's to show how the temperature is the same as the chicken.

What is septic MRSA?

Septic (sepsis) MRSA means that the MRSA bacteria has entered into the blood.

Is MRSA something you will have for the rest of your life?

MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infection can be very serious because the bacterium has the ability to adapt to most antibiotics. But, MRSA infection is treatable. After diagnosis process have finished, doctor will know what types of antibiotics are best to fight against MRSA. Answer on your question is No.

What antibiotic drug used to treat MRSA?

MRSA is resistant to most antibiotics so it is difficult to guess. The antibiotic best suited will depend on the results of culture and sensitivity of that particular strain of MRSA

What is the MRSA colonized resident?

MRSA colonized resident means that the person is a carrier of the MRSA bacteria.