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Neither graphite nor diamond melt when heated - at a temperature of about 4800 °C, they sublime into gases. It takes a lot of energy to make them sublime as many strong covalent bonds need to be broken.

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2w ago

Diamond sublimes at around 3825 degrees Celsius (6917 degrees Fahrenheit) under normal atmospheric pressure.

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Why does graphite sublime?

Graphite does not sublime or melt under normal room temperature. However; it does sublime if the temperature reaches 3652-3697℃.

Why does graphite?

Graphite does not sublime or melt under normal room temperature. However; it does sublime if the temperature reaches 3652-3697℃.

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Caffeine sublimes, or transitions from a solid to a gas, around 178 degrees Celsius (352 degrees Fahrenheit).

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Mothballs typically sublime at room temperature, which is around 20-25 degrees Celsius. The sublimation process is slow and may take several weeks to completely evaporate a mothball.

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Iodine begins to sublime, or change from a solid to a gas, at a temperature of around 113.7°C.

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Room temperature for a diamond typically refers to the ambient temperature of a room, which is around 20-25 degrees Celsius (68-77 degrees Fahrenheit). Diamonds do not have a specific temperature associated with them as they will adjust to the surrounding temperature.

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A diamond at room temperature is a solid.

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there is nothing harder than a diamond and diamonds are sublime i.e they turn to vapour in extremely high temperatures

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Covalent compounds have weaker intermolecular forces compared to ionic compounds, allowing them to more easily break apart and transition into the gas phase through sublimation. This is why some covalent compounds can be volatile and sublime at lower temperatures.

Which liquid can dissolve diamond?

No room temperature liquid can dissolve diamond.

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Most solids melt or sublime as the temperature rises. Melting is the more common effect but sublimation also happens.

Why does Iodine have a low boiling point but diamond has a high boiling point?

Diamond is an allotrope of carbon where all the carbon atoms are tetrahedrally bonded with each other forming a three dimensional covalent network. Since the bonds are strong (covalent, network), diamond has a very high melting point and boiling point. Iodine does not have three dimensional network and hence has very low melting/ boiling point. It fact, it will sublime at room temperature.