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Q: At what time did the foetus began to turn down at seven months?
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Can a foetus be detected as mentally retarded?

The doctor can tell if the baby has Down's Syndrome.

Does carbon dioxide get carried down to the fetus?

It can if there is an unusual amount in the mother's environment. Anything that is in the blood of the mother is sent through the foetus, and anything discarded by the foetus is sent through the mother's bloodstream.

When a cow is delivering a baby calf why in some cases is the calf turned upside down?

The term is called dorsovertical position of the foetus. The reason may be physical rotation of the foetus during the process of delivery.

Where are the eggs stored in the female human body?

In a female's ovaries, in mammals. Or in Egg sacs in fish, and reptiles.

How does a person inherit disease?

Through their genes - or during pregnancy ! Many diseases can (and usually are) passed down from the mother to the foetus through the umbilical cord.

How many years did it take to build the Eiffel tower?

Two years and two months. Construction of the Eiffel tower began in 1887 and it was completed in 1889.

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After about 6 months gasoline breaks down and is almost unusable.After about 6 months gasoline breaks down and is almost unusable.

What type of plastic is made from corn?

New technology was able to process starch into methylglucoside, a biodegradable plastic. This corn plastic breaks down after being buried in landfills for only seven months, while oilbased plastic never breaks down completely.

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Countries don't shut down.

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Whenever you began to slow down

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Kirsty put up her umbrella as it began to pour down with rain.

When will the Go Penguins be taken down?

In about a couple of months