

Atomic bombs release what type of energy?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Atomic bombs release what type of energy?
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What type were the bombs did America drop on Japan?

they were atomic bombs.

Is an atom bomb the same as an atomic bomb?

Atomic bombs use nuclear fission to cause near perpetual chains of reactions. Nuclear warheads (Nukes) just sums up all the different types, including hydrogen bombs (which use nuclear fusion, a much more potent type of power) and atomic bombs. So yes, they are the same.

What type of devices are ruining the planet?

Atomic bombs.

What were other option rather an atomic bomb?

Atomic bombs are a type of Nuclear bomb and there are 2 types of nuclear bombs. The second type of nuclear bomb is a hydrogen bomb.

Which type of nuclear reaction is used in atomic bombs?

fission and in some fusion

Where does fission occour?

Nuclear fission occurs in fission reactors, a type of nuclear reactor, and in fission bombs, more commonly knows as atomic bombs.

Atomic and nuclear bombs?

What about them? They are the same thing: bombs that get their energy from the atomic nucleus. However there are two kinds: fission (breaking up large nuclei into smaller ones) and fusion (joining small nuclei into larger ones). The fusion type are often called thermonuclear because it takes very high temperature to ignite the reaction (about 10 million K).

Why are atomic bombs classified as nuclear?

Atomic bombs release energy in two ways. One is a fission bomb where the nucleus of a large atom is split into smaller parts. The amount of energy in the original atom is greater than the energy stored in the small pieces. This is the energy released. Atoms larger than iron can release energy when they are split up. The other is fusion or thermonuclear. It is called "thermo" because it needs to be very hot for it to happen. This is where the nucleus of two small atoms like hydrogen (deuterium H-2 or Tritium H-3) are joined together. The energy of the single hydrogen atoms is greater than the combined pieces. This is the type of nuclear reaction that occurs in the sun that provides us with sunlight and warmth. Atoms smaller than iron can release energy when they are joined together. The energy released in both types of bomb comes from the atom's nucleus, therefore the word nuclear.

What type of atomic bombs did America drop on Japan?

Easy. Basically there were two types of nuclear bombs (Atomic bombs). One is fusion and the other is fission. Fusion bombs are Hydrogen bombs that were only invented and tested on 1950s. When America drop the bombs on Japan , it was fission type. Both Uranium and Plutonium in Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively.

Does North Korea have gun Hiroshima or implosion Nagasaki type atomic bombs?

There is no reliable public information on North Korean nuclear weapons designs. However I feel it is reasonable to assume that they have only implosion type atomic bombs as these require much smaller quantities of fissile material. These bombs can use either Uranium, Plutonium, or both as the fissile material.

What type of bomb ended the war quickly and saved the us troops from invading Japanese mainland?

Atomic Bombs

What type of bomb is used now to replace the atomic bomb?

First hydrogen bomb then nuclear missiles but they are never used because of the dropping of the atomic bombs on japan...