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The very first thing you should do is to get an agent. Disney rarely holds open auditions, and getting an agent increases the possibility to get closer to being involved in a Disney production. When you're getting an agent, get a good, well-known agent because Disney often casts the same actors in different productions and it is extremely rare for them to search for a new talent. When they do, they usually search up on famous agencies, so getting a well-known agent is better than getting a new, unexperienced agent. The second thing you should try is to audition for numerous tv shows until to land on a spot. When Disney usually searches for new actors, they often pay close attentions to people who have already been casted. When you're shooting a scene, make sure that you're the star. If you don't think your character is not noticeable enough, auditions again and again until you land on a big role. Lastly, you should keep an eye on Disney's website. This happens EXTREMELY rarely, but it has happened, so there is a possibility for Disney to post an open audition.Good luck and I hope you become a Disney star :)!sincerely, shaz

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if you want to be a Disney channel singer you should audition in L.A.they have auditions like everyday there and connect with alot of famous people.

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If your auditioning for a role at one of the theme parks, you do not need an agent to audition. If you are auditioning for The Disney Channel or for a movie, I'd have to get back to you on that.

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Well firstly what you should do is move to somewhere where there are full of auditions. That's how Selena Gomez,Richard Ian Cox and other very well known people did to become famous .. I think.Good luck i hope to see you on TV someday ...

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To land a gig with disney, one must first audition for a role. Contacting a talent agency is the first step to make it on the big screen. The Agency will act as a mediator between the aspiring actor or actress and movie offers and such.

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How you can star in a movie is that you have to audition to be the star in a movie.

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Official online home of Disney Parks Talent Casting. We hold auditions all over the globe to cast the finest performers in the best theme park entertainment in the world. What is a Disney Audition like? Go to -

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Step by Step... 1) Be talented. 2) Show your talent to the world. ie. XFactor, YouTube etc. 3) Get famous because of your talent. 4. Audition for a Movie or TV Show... (or a MOVIE+SINGING role) How do you think Demi Lavato, Zac Efron and all the other Disney Channel STARS got on Disney Channel.