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The Australian city with the largest population is Sydney.

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Q: Australian city with the largest population?
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What City grew the fastest during 1850?

The Australian city with the largest population in 1850 was Sydney.

Can you show you Australian city with more than eighty percent of Australia's population?

No, because there is no Australian city so large. Australia's population is approximately 22 million and the largest city is Sydney, with a population of around 4 million. All of the Australian states have populations that would be eighty percent or more of their state population.

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Sydney is Australia's largest city, with a population of about 4,297,100. It is not the capital city.

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The largest city in the Australian Capital Territory is, of course, Canberra, which is the national capital.

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With a population of around 4,285,000, Sydney is the largest city. It is the capital of the state of New South Wales, but not the capital of Australia.

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Brisbane has a larger population than Perth, but they only are the third and fourth most populous cities in Australia, respectively.Brisbane is the capital and most populous city in the Australian state of Queensland.Perth is the capital and largest city of the Australian state of Western Australia.Brisbane: Population: 2.043 million (2010)Perth : Population: 1.696 million (2010)

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Karachi, Pakistan is the second largest city in the world by population.

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Dublin city would be the city with the largest gay population in Ireland.

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