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i dpnt know thats what i wanna know i wish i knew so i could share with the whole wide world.

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9y ago

The average precipitation per month for the marine biomes is a little over eight inches. The marine biome can get more than one hundred inches of rain per year.

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Q: Average precipitation per month for ocean biomes?
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What is the average precipitation per month for the pacific ocean?

like 1,000,000,000,000,010 inches with winds of about 900,000 wind speed

What is the average precipitation in the ocean?

480cm a year

What are the 3 major water biomes?

Freshwater Biomes, Estuary Biomes, and Marine Biomes

What is the average rainfall in Ocean Biomes?

The average rainfall varies depending on the climate changes and the time of the year. The average is between 60 and 200 inches of rain.

What are sharks biomes?

Sharks biomes are ocean biomes. A biome is the habitat that something would be found in. In this case talking about sharks, the biome is the ocean since that is the habitat that sharks are found in.

What is precipitation of the ocean?

480cm a year depending on the location.

What is the precipitation in the ocean?

It is very difficult to measures the precipitation in the ocean. This is because the ocean is far too large.

What is the Average precipitation of the deep sea biome?

It rains on average 2-3 times per week. Sometimes there are huge storms in the middle regions.

Do you have a chart for average temp and precipitation for Atlantic ocean?

no, i am looking for the exact same thing...i am sorry, comrade

Which of earth's biomes can tarantulas be found?

in the ocean

Why does most precipitation fall into the ocean?

Most precipitation falls into the ocean because the ocean covers most of Earth's surface.

What is physical landscapes of ocean biomes?

Biomes can be defined as the major communities of the world, classified according to their predominant vegetation and characterised by adaptations of organisms to that particular environment.Ecosystems are communities of organisms that inhabit specific physical environments. Biomes are composed of several ecosystems and represent a regional community of organisms named after the dominant vegetation.The four major types of biomes are aquatic, grasslands, forests, and desert. Aquatic biomes are probably the most important of all the biomes. Their medium, water, is a major natural resource. Aquatic biomes can be subdivided into freshwater, seawater and atmospheric biomes. Grasslands can be subdivided into savanna, temperate grasslands (prairie) and tundra. This classification corresponds to decreasing average temperatures. Forests receive more precipitation than other biomes and vary from boreal, to temperate, to rainforest. This classification corresponds to increasing temperatures. Deserts have the fewest species and the most extreme climate.