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Q: Average rate of breathing in a child at rest?
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What is the normal respiratory rate for an child and what will be the first sign of respiratory distress?

Children have different breathing rates. I assume you're asking about resting breathing rate, so this is what I'll discuss. If the child is overweight or obese, the child's breathing rate will be faster and deeper in order to get a sufficient amount of oxygen to the body. If the child is asthmatic, or has a respiratory illness, they too may have deeper breathing at rest. Respiratory distress as you call it may be the child looking pale. They may struggle to breath (wheezing), or breath too often sharply (hyperventilation). You should tell a child who's having breathing difficulty to breathe at you're rate. If they look faint etc, call an ambulance immediately, and prepare to give emergency first aid if they fall unconscious( hypothetically speaking of course). If you believe your child has respiratory issues, see your local Doctor or GP.

Why does breathing rate lower when you are at rest?

i dont know but its a cool question dude because it good

What is the normal heart rate of a child at rest?

about 60 at rest, but up to 180 with exercise.

What is considered to be the average hourly basal metabolic rate?

The average hourly basal metabolic rate is around 60-70 calories per hour for an adult at rest. This rate can vary depending on factors such as age, gender, weight, and muscle mass. It represents the amount of energy the body needs to perform basic functions like breathing, circulating blood, and maintaining body temperature at rest.

What is the typical breathing rate for males at rest?

12–20 breaths per minute (12, if it had to be one number)

What happens to the respiratory rate when your resting?

Just as when you exercise you breathe faster, when you sleep your breathing slows. Your body will adjust it's rate of breathing to accomodate it's needs at the time, when you are sleeping less oxygen is needed since you are inactive.

What is the normal rate of breathing at rest?

The normal respiration rate for adults is 14-20 breaths per minute at rest while awake. When asleep it can drop as low as 8 but on most people it doesn't fall below 12.

Why does our breathing rate go down when we feel drowsy?

Because we are at rest and our body does need so much energy to do.

How does the breathing change when you exercise and then rest?

You body requires more oxygen when you work out. Your breathing rate changes according to your bodies need. Breathing rate is also both a voluntary and involuntary muscle contraction. Meaning you can control it (to some extent...i.e. Temporarily holding your breath) but during events such as sleep or if you were quadriplegic, your brain is able to maintain breathing subconsciously.

Why does an increase in pulse rate and breathing rate accompany exercise?

Your Breathing rate is increased due to the fact that your muscles are working harder then when they are at rest. This means that they need oxygen, along with sugars to complete cellular respiration. Your heart rate increases so that it can move the oxygen to the target cell in the muscles you are using quicker.

What was the literacy rate in China in 1900?

average as the rest of Europe. No statistics as figure is available for 1900