

Average temperature on Saturn

Updated: 8/11/2023
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Q: Average temperature on Saturn
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Saturn has a average of what temperature?

Saturn has an average temperature of negative 285 degrees Fahrenheit.

Saturn's average surface temperature?

The average temperature on Saturn is -288 degrees Fahrenheit, or -178 Celsius. Much of the planet's temperature variation is horizontal.

What is the daily average temperature on Saturn?


What is the average low temperature on Saturn?

it is about 10 degrees

What is Saturns average high temperature?

Saturn's high temperature is about 220 degrees Fahrenheit

What is Saturn's average day temperature?

At the top of Saturn's clouds, the temperature averages -175 C. However, the temperature reaching an extreme high of 11,700 C at the core.

What is Saturn's average daily temperature?

i dont know u tell me

What temperature is on Saturn?

With an average temperature of - 288 degrees Fahrenheit, Saturn is a very cold planet. A gas giant, Saturn is composed mainly of hydrogen and a small percentage of helium. Titan is one of its satellites.

What is Saturn's average high and low temperature range?

The average temperature at the "surface" of Saturn is about minus 150 degrees Celsius. In fact that doesn't vary much from poles to equator. So, there not much of a maximum and minimum.

How hot does Saturn get?

It's a cold place - The average surface temperature is -139oC

What is the temp on Saturn the planet?

The average temperature is -288 F or -178 C.

What is the average temperature of Saturn in digreese Celsius?

It works out at -178 degrees Celcius.