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Each person has a different diagnosis with terminal cancer. The life expectancy will depend on the type of cancer and treatments. Some people have weeks and others may live for months.

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Q: Average time to live with teminal postate cancer?
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What is live cancer?

Live cancer is an active cancer.

How long do you live with prostae cancer?

It depends on what stage the cancer is at. If it is in the final stage, then with chemotherapy, you can live for about 18 months depending on the person. Without chemo, 8 or 9 months is the average.

You have cancer will you die?

Not always. Depends on type & how early you catch it & location. (whether or not operable or treatable) The average lifetime cancer risk for a US citizen is about 42%. The average chance of dying from cancer for a US citizen is about 23%. Cancer is also very much linked to age. If you have the great fortune to live to be 100 years old, there is about a 99% probability that you have had or currently have a diagnosable cancer in your body. This does not, however, mean that the cancer is what you will die from, especially at that age!

What is the lfe expectancy of primary bowel cancer and secondary spine cancer?

Colon cancer that has spread to the spine is considered metastatic disease or stage IV cancer. The 5 year survival rate for stage IV colon cancer is 5%. This means that on average only 5% of people will live for 5 years with the disease.

How long will a patient live when the cancer has spread to the bone?

If the patient opts for chemotherapy, they might live for 18 to 24 months. With no chemo, 8 or 9 months. Everyone is different, but this is the average.

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What are the top three cancers?

nothing really causes cancer. Cancer just naturally grows by itself. Cancer can be environmental, it can be organic, and it can also be carcinogenic. Environmental- How do you live? Do you live in a big city with smog? Do you live in the country with clean air? Organic- This could be a number of things. This could be a type of cancer that is genetic. For example: Breast cancer, Ovarian cancer, Testicular cancer. Carcinogenic- This basically means that something you have done repetitively, i.e. smoking, has caused cancer.

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What is is the life cycle of a rabbit?

The average rabbit life span is 7 to 10 years. Un-spayed female rabbits tend to live shorter lives because they are prone to uterus cancer. Their chances of getting cancer increase by 50% every year.

How long can you live with skin cancer?

Until the day you die.

What surgery is needed when you have skin cancer?

No medical surgery is needed. You can live safely with skin cancer.

Does secondary cancer mean you have not got long to live?

Secondary cancer occurs when cancer cells from the primary site break away and spread to another part of the body. No, secondary cancer does not necessarily mean that you have not got long to live, but in truth nobody knows the life expectation of someone with secondary cancer.