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45,60,70,13,10,30,22,33,24construct avl tree

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Q: Give Example with explanation of avl tree rotation?
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Is sorting a binary search tree simple?

A binary search tree is already ordered. An in order traversal will give you a sorted list of nodes.

What is red and black tree?

It is a data structure that keeps a binary tree balanced. If you want basic operations on your tree to take order log n time (where n is the number of nodes in the tree) you need the depth (maximum length of a path from root to a leaf) to be order log n. That is what is meant by a balanced tree. You can also use treaps, which use random numbers to give balance with extremely high probability.

Type of binary tree?

A rooted binary tree is a tree with a root node in which every node has at most two children.A full binary tree (sometimes proper binary treeor 2-tree or strictly binary tree) is a tree in which every node other than the leaves has two children. Sometimes a full tree is ambiguously defined as a perfect tree.A perfect binary tree is a full binary tree in which all leaves are at the same depth or same level, and in which every parent has two children.[1] (This is ambiguously also called a complete binary tree.)A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible.[2]An infinite complete binary tree is a tree with a countably infinite number of levels, in which every node has two children, so that there are 2d nodes at level d. The set of all nodes is countably infinite, but the set of all infinite paths from the root is uncountable: it has the cardinality of the continuum. These paths corresponding by an order preserving bijection to the points of the Cantor set, or (through the example of the Stern-Brocot tree) to the set of positive irrational numbers.A balanced binary tree is commonly defined as a binary tree in which the depth of the two subtrees of every node never differ by more than 1,[3] although in general it is a binary tree where no leaf is much farther away from the root than any other leaf. (Different balancing schemes allow different definitions of "much farther"[4]). Binary trees that are balanced according to this definition have a predictable depth (how many nodes are traversed from the root to a leaf, root counting as node 0 and subsequent as 1, 2, ..., depth). This depth is equal to the integer part of where is the number of nodes on the balanced tree. Example 1: balanced tree with 1 node, (depth = 0). Example 2: balanced tree with 3 nodes, (depth=1). Example 3: balanced tree with 5 nodes, (depth of tree is 2 nodes).A rooted complete binary tree can be identified with a free magma.A degenerate tree is a tree where for each parent node, there is only one associated child node. This means that in a performance measurement, the tree will behave like a linked list data structure.Note that this terminology often varies in the literature, especially with respect to the meaning of "complete" and "full".

Count the number of nodes of a binary tree having depth n?

Use the following formula: (2^n)-1. E.g., if the depth is 3, the number of nodes is (2^3)-1 = 8-1 = 7. Note that 7 is the maximum number of nodes, not the actual number of nodes. To count the actual nodes you must traverse the tree, updating an accumulator as you go.

Which data structure is used for breadth first seach?

Breadth first search can be performed upon any tree-like structure. A binary tree is a typical example. A breadth first search begins at the root and searches the root's children, then all its grandchildren, and so on, working through one level of the tree at a time.

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