


Java Programming

The Java programming language was released in 1995 as a core component of the Java platform of Sun Microsystems. It is a general-purpose, class-based, object-oriented language that is widely used in application software and web applications.

5,129 Questions

Is String in java a class or object?

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In Java, String is a class, but it is also used to create objects. Here's a detailed explanation to clarify this concept:

String as a Class

The String class is a part of the Java standard library (java.lang.String).

It is a final class, which means it cannot be subclassed.

The String class provides a wide range of methods for manipulating and working with strings, such as substring(), length(), toUpperCase(), toLowerCase(), charAt(), and many more.

String as an Object

When you create a string in Java, you are creating an object of the String class.

For example, String s = "Hello"; creates a String object with the value "Hello".

Even though you can create string literals directly (like "Hello"), these literals are instances of the String class.

Key Characteristics of String in Java


Strings in Java are immutable, meaning once a String object is created, it cannot be changed.

Any operation that seems to modify a string actually creates a new String object.

String Pool:

Java maintains a pool of string literals to optimize memory usage.

When you create a string literal, the JVM first checks the string pool. If the literal already exists in the pool, it returns the reference to the existing string. Otherwise, it adds the new literal to the pool.

Example: String s1 = "Hello"; String s2 = "Hello"; Here, both s1 and s2 will refer to the same object in the string pool.

Creating Strings:

You can create strings using string literals or using the new keyword.

Example using a literal: String s1 = "Hello";

Example using the new keyword: String s2 = new String("Hello");

Using the new keyword creates a new String object in the heap, bypassing the string pool.

In summary:

String is a class in Java.

You create objects of this class when you use string literals or the new keyword.

Strings are immutable, and Java optimizes their storage using a string pool.

Understanding these concepts will help you effectively work with strings in Java and utilize their characteristics for better performance and memory management.

You want to download the e-post office system project?

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If you want to download the e-post office system project, you should consider buying Microsoft Active Product keys from websites such as Softwarekey4u .com. They offer affordable and easy-to-use upgrade keys that will let you upgrade your Microsoft product key without any hassle. To save even more, use the coupon code SAVING30 at checkout.

What are the 5 types of inheritance patterns?

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Asked by Wiki User

The five types of inheritance patterns are autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant, X-linked recessive, and Y-linked. These patterns determine how traits or genetic disorders are passed down from parents to offspring.

Why the descending method of chromatography is faster than the other method?

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Asked by Wiki User

Descending chromatography is faster because gravity aids in pulling the solvent down through the stationary phase, allowing for quicker elution of compounds. In this method, the analytes travel with the solvent flow, resulting in faster separation compared to ascending chromatography where the solvent has to move against gravity.

What is constructive interface?

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Asked by Wiki User

A constructive interface in programming refers to an interface that guides or enforces certain design guidelines or principles on how classes implementing the interface should be structured. It helps ensure consistency in how classes interact with each other and promotes good software design practices.

True or false Triangulation is the preferred method of calculation for all astronomical distances?

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Asked by Wiki User

That statement is both true and false.

Sure, triangulation is the preferred method, if it works. But for anything

more distant than a few hundred of the nearest stars, triangulation fails,

so we're forced to find other ways of measuring farther objects.

And by the way ... triangulation is a method of measurement, not calculation.

What are the brown spots on the back of java fern leaves?

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The brown spots on the back of Java fern leaves are likely sporangia, which are structures that produce and release spores for reproduction. They are a natural part of the plant's life cycle and do not necessarily indicate a problem with the plant's health.

Why split java from java script?

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Java and JavaScript are distinct programming languages with different purposes, and they should not be confused despite the similarity in their names. Here are the key reasons why Java and JavaScript are separate and unique languages:

Purpose and Use Cases:


Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language designed to be portable and run on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is widely used for building large-scale enterprise applications, Android apps, and server-side applications.


JavaScript is primarily a scripting language used to create interactive and dynamic content on web pages. It runs in the browser and is essential for front-end web development. JavaScript can also be used on the server side with environments like Node.js.

Execution Environment:


Java code is compiled into bytecode, which is executed by the JVM. This allows Java applications to run on any device or operating system that has the JVM installed.


JavaScript code is interpreted by web browsers. It is executed directly in the browser's JavaScript engine, making it the de facto language for client-side web development.

Syntax and Language Design:


Java has a more complex syntax and is statically typed, meaning that data types are explicitly declared and checked at compile-time. It follows strict object-oriented principles.


JavaScript has a simpler, more flexible syntax and is dynamically typed, meaning that data types are determined at runtime. It supports prototype-based object orientation and functional programming paradigms.

Historical Development:


Developed by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle) in the mid-1990s, Java was designed to be a versatile and portable programming language for various types of applications.


Created by Brendan Eich at Netscape in 1995, JavaScript was initially developed to add interactivity to web pages. Its name was chosen for marketing reasons, to capitalize on Java's popularity at the time, but the two languages are not related.

Typical Applications:


Commonly used for backend development, Android app development, large-scale enterprise systems, and scientific computing.


Essential for front-end development, creating interactive web pages, single-page applications (SPAs), and server-side applications with Node.js.

Understanding these differences highlights why Java and JavaScript are distinct languages, each with its own strengths and suitable use cases in the programming world.

What is the abbreviation of JAVA?

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Asked by Wiki User

JAVA is not an acronym, so it doesn't stand for anything specific. It is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle Corporation) and was created by James Gosling and his team. The name "Java" was chosen because it was unique and unrelated to any existing technology or term, and it reflected the language's intended use for web applications and the internet. The name also refers to Java coffee, reflecting the language's design principles of simplicity, portability, and robustness

Does a subscript only apply to the element it follows?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a subscript is used to denote the number of atoms of an element in a chemical formula or equation. It only applies to the specific element it immediately follows.

Specialization form of inheritance?

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Specialization form of inheritance refers to a relationship between classes where a derived class inherits characteristics from a base class and adds new features or overrides existing ones to create a more specialized class. This allows for code reusability and promotes the concept of polymorphism, where objects of different classes can be treated as instances of a common superclass. In this form of inheritance, the derived class is a more specific version of the base class.

How many classes are there of nutrients?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are six classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Each of these nutrient classes plays a unique and essential role in the proper functioning of the human body.

What is an eureka can method?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Eureka can method is a problem-solving technique where a person writes down their ideas or thoughts on slips of paper and places them in a container (like a can). These ideas are then randomly drawn and reviewed to find potential solutions or insights for the problem at hand. It's a creative way to generate and explore new ideas.

What is the difference between the properties of a substance and the properties of an object?

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The properties of a substance describe its characteristics at the molecular level, such as boiling point and density. The properties of an object refer to observable characteristics, like color and shape, that result from the combination of substances within the object.

What divides the class Insecta into more than one part?

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Asked by Wiki User

The class Insecta is divided into more than one part based on the different orders of insects within the class. Orders are determined by distinct physical characteristics and behaviors exhibited by insects, leading to their classification into separate groupings.

What is an interface?

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Asked by Wiki User

An interface in programming is a contract that defines a set of methods that a class must implement. It allows for standardization and abstraction in code by providing a clear way for different classes to interact with each other. Interfaces do not contain implementations of the methods; rather, they specify what methods a class must have.

What is the sociological term for a middle class parent who can afford things a working class parent can't?

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Asked by Wiki User

This situation can be referred to as "economic privilege" or "class advantage". It highlights the disparities in resources and opportunities that exist between individuals of different socio-economic backgrounds.

What is the difference between numerical methods and analytical methods?

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Asked by Wiki User

Numerical methods involve approximating solutions to mathematical problems using iterative algorithms and computer simulations, whereas analytical methods focus on finding exact solutions using formulas, equations, and mathematical techniques. Numerical methods are often used when analytical solutions are not feasible or too complex to obtain.

Logic is the study of?

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Asked by Wiki User

Logic is the study of reasoning and argumentation. It involves identifying and evaluating principles of valid reasoning in order to make sound conclusions and decisions.

What is an implicit argument in java?

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Asked by Nsaad

In Java, an implicit argument refers to an argument that is not explicitly provided by the programmer when calling a method. These arguments are typically provided by the language or the system environment automatically. Examples include the "this" reference in non-static methods and the default constructor arguments.

What is the object of study of Logic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Logic is the study of reasoning and argumentation. It focuses on the principles of valid inference and sound reasoning, with the goal of determining what makes arguments valid or cogent.

Differences between finite and infinite loop?

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Asked by Wiki User

A finite loop executes a specific number of times based on its condition, while an infinite loop runs indefinitely without cessation. Finite loops have a predetermined endpoint, while infinite loops continue without a defined stopping condition until manually interrupted. Improperly written infinite loops can lead to system crashes or unresponsive programs.

Advantages of rast method?

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Asked by Wiki User

The RAST method, or radioallergosorbent test, is advantageous because it is a blood test used to detect specific allergens that may be causing allergic reactions. It is less invasive than skin prick testing and is helpful when a patient cannot discontinue antihistamines prior to testing. RAST can also provide quantitative results, indicating the level of specific IgE antibodies present in the blood.

What is the Javascript onclick?

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Asked by Wiki User

Onclick will be called when the object you're attaching the onclick function to is clicked (usually the object is an HTML element).