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In many cases, food preservation is a great thing. However, with the evolution of preserving food, there have been many harmful preservatives invented that make a product last longer, which can sometimes be harmful to your body.

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Why is food preservation important?

Food preservation is important because it helps save money. When food spoils, it is a waste of money for the family.

What is the Good and bad effect of preservation?

The good effect of preservation would be prolonging an items shelf life (extending the time before the item would spoil).The bad effect of preservation would be the potential harmful effects to your health from the chemicals used as preservatives.

What are the concepts of food preservation?

food preservation is a preserved food

What is a bromatology the study of?

Bromatology is the study of food, including its composition, nutritional value, and effects on the human body. It encompasses aspects such as food processing, preservation, and safety.

What is the description of food preservation?

Food preservation is a way to keep food edible and healthy.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of food preservation?

Food preservation has numerous advantages. We can now store food for long periods of time, to use off season or ship to areas of the world undergoing shortages. Increased shelf life reduces production cost.The disadvantages are that some preservatives have subtle, deleterious side effects. Preserved food may not always taste as good as fresh food. For the most part, preserved food beats going without.

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The food preservation may be sometimes a chemical process.

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