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Chemical change. Physical changes (like melting) can be undone. But you cannot unbake a cake.

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Q: Baking a cake is physical change or chemical change?
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What causes a physical change and not a chemical change A Tearing a tissue paper B Burning a match C Baking a cake?

Tearing a tissue paper is a physical change because it involves a change in the physical state of the paper without altering its chemical composition. The other options, burning a match and baking a cake, involve chemical changes as they result in new substances being formed through chemical reactions.

How can you tell that baking a cake produces a chemical change?

Baking a cake involves a chemical reaction between the ingredients (flour, sugar, eggs, etc.) that results in a new substance with different properties (the cake). The changes in color, texture, and taste that occur during baking indicate a chemical change has taken place. Additionally, the production of carbon dioxide gas during baking contributes to the rising of the cake, which is another indicator of a chemical reaction.

Is a cake that is baked in the oven a physical or chemical?

Heat brings about a chemical change. Physical changes can be undone, but you cannot unbake a cake.

What mixtures are chemical or physical change?

A chemical change occurs when new substances are formed with different properties, such as rusting of iron or baking a cake. A physical change involves a rearrangement of molecules without forming new substances, like dissolving sugar in water or melting ice.

Is Rolling a ball of dough to make roti is reversible or irreversible change?

no it is not, it is a chemical and irreversible change,

Related questions

Is baking a cake a physical or chemical change?

Baking is a chemical change.

Is baking a cake a chemical or physical change?

Chemical change.

Is a cake bakeing a physical or chemical change?

Baking is a chemical change

Is baking a cake physical or chemical changes?

Chemical change.

Is baking a cake a physics change?

It's mostly a chemical change - since I doubt it is reversible.

Is baking a cake batter a chemical or physical change?

Baking a cake is a chemical property because it is going from dough to cake or batter to cake.

How can you tell at baking a cake produces a physical change?

Baking is a chemical change because involve chemical reactions.

Is action of baking powder in cooking a cake a physical or chemical change?

The thermal decomposition of baking powder is a chemical change.

When a cake is baking is it a physical or chemical change?

Cooking involve chemical changes.

Is Action of baking powder in cooking a cake is physical or chemical change?

The thermal decomposition of baking powder is a chemical change.

Is cake bakes a physical or chemical?

Chemical change.

Is baking a physical or chemical change?

pretty sure its a chemical change.