

Baldness is seen more often in men than women because?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It is related to testosterone levels.

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Q: Baldness is seen more often in men than women because?
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Baldness is seen more often in men then women because?

growth hormones and the fact that women age slower than men

Is baldness more common in Anchorage, AK?

You might say baldness is more widespread in Alaska and Anchorage because there are statistically more men living there!

How do women feel about baldness?

Many women view baldness in men as sexy. And contrary to what many men believe, most women care more about what is in a man's head than what is on it. A man's personality, honesty, loyalty, etc. mean much more to women than a full head of hair on a man does.

Why men go bald more than women?

The most common cause of baldness in men is testosterone. This is a hormone most women's bodies do not produce.

Why is pattern baldness more common in men than in women?

pattern baldness is an X-linked recessive gene. Since men only have one X chromosome (XY) and females have two X chromosomes (XX) it is easier for men to no posses the dominant trait that prevents pattern baldness.

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because woman often need man's promise.

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Studies have shown that men drink more coffee than women. Women like coffee too but, statistically, it is the men who drink more.

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Women tend to cook often because it's a creative output. Because women are naturally more creative, this means that they feel in their element when in the kitchen preparing food. This does not apply to all women.

How did dwarves exist if there were no dwarf women?

There ARE dwarf women, but they were often thought to be dwarf men, because of their appearance and voice. Despite this, there are more dwarf men than women.

Is baldness quickened by hair length or long hair?

No. Since hair grows from the root, the length of the hair makes no difference. Baldness is caused by a number of factors which are only partially understood; but the primary one is genetics.Because the main gene that determines baldness is located on the X chromosome, men (who only have one copy of that gene, good or bad) are far more likely to be affected by baldness. And in general, men wear their hair much shorter than women do.

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because men were considered to do wizardy and sorcery, not witchcraft.