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Q: Based on the painting how do you think pocahontas felt when posing for the picture?
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Is that really Jon Gosselin in picture?

Yes, it is Jon Gosselin posing with some fans. Based on all accounts, the pictures are of Jon Gosselin posing with fans at various events around Pennsylvania. See related links for various articles about the pictures.

When did Matisse paint the picture 'Jazz'?

Jazz (1947) is a book of about one hundred prints based on paper cutouts by Henri Matisse. So it is not one picture, nor is it a painting.

How many disney princesses were based on a true story besides pocahontas?

Some Disney princesses that were based on a true story besides Pocahontas are Mulan and Princess Jasmine.

What is a self portrait?

The artist makes a picture of him/herself.

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What is the difference between watercolor paint and oil paint?

Quite simply the materials used to paint the picture. Pigments used for painting may be, among other things, water or oil based. Generally, but not always, oil based paintings endure longer.

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The alien is based off of a painting by H.R. Giger called Necronom IV. The figure in the painting most closely resembles a human.

How many movies does John Smith have?

John Smith of the Pocahontas fame has featured in numerous films based on Pocahontas herself. There have been 5 films with John Smith featured. The most famous would be the Disney version released in 1995.

Do you need permission to paint portraits of major league baseball players?

You are allowed to take a photograph of ANYTHING in a public place. YOU may also be able to take a photograph of something in a private place if YOU are doing so from a public place - but there are expectation of privacy limits that YOU may violate) So - if YOU are painting a portrait of anyone based on YOU seeing that person in a public place - yes - you can do it. (Example - if you took a photograph of that player walking in public - and then painted the picture based on YOUR OWN photograph) However - if YOU are painting that portrait based on Published photographs or video images (say as on tv or in a movie) - THOSE images are copyrighted and you cannot legally use them as a source without the permission of the copyright holder. Now - what you may DO with that picture or painting is another story

What is mural painting and what is the technique of mural painting?

The techniques of the mural paintingOnly two techniques are employed in traditional mural painting: rock carving and strong-colored painting; while the modern mural painting uses many new kinds based on the traditional ones, such asceramicfiring, casting, marble sculpting and the inlaying of mosaic and purl. With the various modern techniques and materials, China's mural painting art has entered a prosperous and innovative era.A mural is any piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other large permanent surface. A particularly distinguishing characteristic of mural painting is that the architectural elements of the given space are harmoniously incorporated into the picture

Show you pictureposter or painting based on world population day 2009?
